Sunday, 20 May 2012

Is the 20 May 2012 Eclipse the "big quake" one (according to Nostradamus)?

There are two specific prophecies in Nostradamus "Quatrains" over an extreme, mighty quake that is bound to hit Earth "in the month of May". Since we live in strange times and somehow the year 2012 carries on a "fatal" connotation, is it possible that these prophecies are referring to the current month of May? Furthermore, are these prophecies referring to the Solar Eclipse of May 20 (May 21 for Europe and western Asia), a critical Eclipse that will take place with both the Lights (Sun and Moon) located in front of the (very "significant" to the Maya) constellation of the Pleiades? Not to mention the fact that both the Lights will be partile conjuncting during the eclipse the rather infamous star Alcyone, a star that is alleggedly causing (among other things) blindness, sickness, epidemics and violent deaths!

Let's see first what exactly Nostradamus wrote (note that the term "Century" corresponds to "Chapter").

"Century" X, Quatrain 67:
"A mighty earthquake in the month of May.
Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus: 

Venus also, Cancer, Mars in Nonnay. 
Hail will fall larger than an egg".

"Century" IX, Quatrain 83: 
"The sun in 20 degrees of Taurus, so strong shakes the earth,

That the great theater, repleted, will be ruined;
The air, sky and land, dark and troubled,
Then shall the infidels invoke God and the saints."

Regarding the first of the above Quatrains, the planets Jupiter and Mercury are indeed now in Taurus! Saturn though is not in Capricorn but in Libra. Venus currently is in Gemini, thus neither in Taurus nor in Cancer (there is always some ambivalence in Nostradamus writings). Mars is currently in Virgo, thus neither in Cancer nor in "Nonnay" (that's an enigmatic phrase which many interpret as "zero". But Mars is not now in its zero degrees declination - this would be the most plausible explanation for "Nonnay"). So, the Quatrain X, 67 is largely busted!

Regarding now the other Quatrain, the Sun was in 20 degrees of Taurus almost 10 days ago and the "big one" did not happen. So, this Quatrain is busted too - at least for the current year.

Remains though the fact that this Solar Eclipse occurs at the very moment the Lights conjunct the allegedly "harmful" star Alcyone - while they simultaneously receive a discordant square aspect from the "dissolving" planet Neptune (located in the ultra-dynamic First House, for the co-ordinates of London).

By some coincidence, the path of this eclipse is crossing two of the most quake prone "fault zones" of the world. It starts in eastern China, it goes over Japan, over the northern Pacific Ocean and then it  crosses California and Nevada.

The current Solar eclipse is emphasizing the dual sign of Gemini. This means that some things are hanging in mid-air now, a duality prevails around us, a critical situation cannot be stabilized and is ever changing.

The square aspect of Neptune to the Lights is aggravating further this Geminian fickleness, creating some sort of disillusionment, chaos and decay around us - ever more deconstructing the world we used to know. There is confusion both within us and around us and some form of cheating. We are faced with certain "stationary" and somehow abnormal, "sick" situations that are delaying us and pushing us back. A dramatic event related to the element of water or to the sea or a major earth-quake might occur (in ancient Greece Neptune was the god of earth-quakes).

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Far-right parties on rise in Europe

The poster you see above apparently is a very convincing one. It is a modern political  poster of the French far-right party "Front National". The slogan on it goes: "let's produce French products with French workers" . This is a rather nationalistic slogan that obviously goes against the many millions of foreign (or foreign descent) workers in France! But it seems to have been appealing to the French, because last Sunday it led almost the 20% of them to vote for "Front National"!  And although the above poster seems modern, dynamic and "awaking" it is somehow reminiscent of certain posters that are by now 80 years old! I am referring to the 1930's far-right political posters in Europe, of a highly volatile period that ultimately led to the rise of Hitler's fascist party in Germany (Mussolini's in Italy etc.) and to World War II! 
In reality, us astrologers we had already compared and correlated the actual period with the 1930's, we had already predicted the rise of far-right parties in the 2010's even whole decades ago! We "knew" about it and we were ready to witness it! But now that is happening under our own eyes it is impressive! There is a resurgence of the far-right parties almost all-over Europe! This is not a new phenomenon. As I said before, it happened again back in the 1930's (in the previous "Uranus - Pluto squaring each other" period - again back then with Uranus in Aries and Pluto in the cardinal sign of Cancer).You see planet Uranus expresses - according to the sign it is in and according to the aspects it receives - the "political trends" of each single period. And now that Uranus receives a heavy square aspect from Pluto (a "dark", irrational, extremist, absolutist planet) far-right parties are rising again all over Europe! 
P.S. A meteoric rise of the Greek far-right party "Chrysi Avgi" (Golden Dawn) has occured in the last 3-4 years. On the Greek Parliamentary Elections of the 6th May 2012 the party "Chrysi Avgi" won 7% of the votes (while in the previous 2009 elections it had won just a 0,29%! This means that the "Golden Dawn" party increased its power - in less than 4 years - by a factor of almost 2400%!).

Monday, 5 March 2012

World War II - An astrological "Waterloo" no more!

                                    (German troops at the outskirts of Warsaw watch the city burn)

                                                         (by Thomas Gazis)

There is a certain ignominy that casts its shadow over the shoulders of all the modern astrologers, a sort of disgrace that the skeptics are actually taking advantage of. This ignominy has to do with a colossal failing of ours that occurred in the previous century: the astrologers all over the world had blatantly failed to predict the gigantic event of the World War II! French astrologer Andre Barbault - an internationally recognized expert on Mundane Astrology - is explaing the intricacies of this failure in his book "L'Astrologie mondiale":

"Shortly before the war my older brother (an astrologer himself) was running a journal on world events called: "L'Avenir du Monde" ("The Future of the World"). In those times a grim specter was hovering over Europe - especially after the Munich events - and the crucial question on everyone's lips was: can peace be given a chance? "No, the war will not happen" was the reassuring headline of my brother's newspaper, just a few months before the outbreak of World War II - and actually in full agreement with his astrological "intelligentsia" colleagues".

Barbault got utterly disappointed by the blatant failure of the pre-war astrologers to predict world war II!  He wrote later on: "what if tomorrow a third world war or a disruption of global proportions were to break? Would we be able this time to predict it? A new forecast fiasco like the WW2 one would ultimately amount to the condemnation of our celestial art!"

The late 1930's astrologers were very knowledgeable about astrology, almost as knowledgeable as we are! Just think the fact that they were including Pluto in their charts, they knew how to spot the major planetary formations and they were taking seriously in consideration the various Ingresses and Eclipses. Why they failed then so miserably?

Let's see the data they had in their disposition. First of all, in the very year the great war broke (1939) no major stellium was formed upon the sky - nor any major configuration between the outer planets. Let's study then the Vernal Ingress chart that preceded the war. You can see it below:

With the Moon being in the bellicose sign of Aries and both Sun and Moon in the Eighth House - receiving a square aspect from Mars -  and with Pluto sitting right on the Ascendant this Ingress chart is  fraught with war energies! I am wondering how the 1930's European astrologers missed to see that!

Let's study now the Solar Eclipse that preceded the outbreak of the World War II. You can see its chart below. Surprisingly, the Sun and the Moon are found again in the bellicose sign of Aries, receiving an almost partile square aspect from the culminating Pluto (not to mention the fact that Saturn is conjuncting the Luminaries)!

In both these charts there is a "war odour" which the astrologers of the time apparently did not pick up. In hindsight, it's easy to criticize the astrologers of the 1930's for this blatant failure of theirs but if we would put ourselves in their shoes we would extenuate them a lot. In human history there have been many difficult Ingresses and Eclipses and most of them did not entail an event of epic proportions (likeWorld War II). Back in the late 1930's there was no major planetary configuration on the sky heralding an imminent war. In addition, planet Pluto had been discovered just 9 years before, so they didn't have a good understanding of it - as we don't have today a good understanding of the dwarf planet Sedna, which was discovered in 2003 (we just know that Sedna is an ultra-remote and "exotic" object, with an eccentric orbit that looks like a stuffed cigar).

The newly found "dwarf planets" (or "Kuiper Belt Objects" or "planetoids" as I prefer to call them) are actually constituting our new advanced astrological "tools" and they are making the difference (the 1930's astrologers totally ignored them)! If you consider these planetoids as some sort of minor "asteroids" then you should think twice. Planetoid Eris is bigger than planetoid Pluto and if you consider Pluto significant in astrology then you have to consider Eris equally significant! And you should consider significant too the second biggest planetoid: Sedna!

Although it's very early to decipher the astrological properties of these newfound planetoids, we may try to extrapolate some of them out of the "synchronicity" of their name and out of the "zeitgeist" (the "spirit") of the period of their discovery. If you think about it, Eris has a lot to do with war as it is the goddess of discord and strife (in Greek mythology it was Eris that threw the golden apple and indirectly caused the Trojan war). Sedna on the other hand is the most "exotic" and remote planetoid of our (wider) solar system. Its orbit actually looks like a stuffed cigar, with our entire solar system comprised in that cigar's burning edge!  The "snuffing edge" of that cigar-shaped orbit extends incredibly far away - till the so called Oort cloud, a "bubble" of unimaginable dimensions that surrounds our solar system. In the Oort cloud the kingdom of the Sun ends (we have discovered there the so called "héliopause") while beyond that "cloud" there is nothing else but the galactic space. So Sedna constitutes a sort of "cosmic link" that interconnects the more tangible reality of our Solar System with the transcendental oddity of the external galactic space, with the deepest mysteries of our universe! Thus I consider Sedna's energies ultra- undifferentiated, universal and fatal - much more than Pluto's energies are!

Let's travel now with our imagination back in the 1930's. We are some French astrologers experiencing the aftermath of the 1931 Saturn - Uranus - Pluto T-Square (in hindsight, we can tell now that Sedna was pivotal in that formation, as it was conjuncting Uranus and squaring Pluto and Saturn).We would feel that something was going terribly wrong with Germany and we would try to figure out astrologically if there would be a new Great War. We would ask ourselves: when do wars break out according to the astrological theory? During major inharmonic planetary configurations of course but chiefly when the sign of Aries is over-activated. So, we would look ahead and we would see no over-activation of the sign of Aries in the 1930's - 1940's. On the contrary, we would notice an over-activation of the peaceful sign of Taurus in the beginning of the 1940's! Thus, our conclusion would be that no war would occur in the 1930's or in the beginning of the 1940's!

Let's change our script a little bit. What about being French astrologers of the 1930's knowing about Eris and Sedna? That knowledge would radically change our perspective. Both Eris and Sedna orbit the Sun in a very long time periods (Eris in 557 years and Sedna in a staggering 11.400 years!). During the whole period of World War II both Eris and Sedna were in the sign of Aries! That's a unique event that occurs only once every many thousands of years (last time i.e. that Sedna was in the sign of Aries the mammoths were roaming over an ice-covered Europe. Not to mention that rarely both Sedna and Eris are simultaneously found in the sign of Aries)! Thus, this must be considered an event of epic proportions!

How much of a coincidence is the fact that the bloodiest and most violent War in human history (that unleashed tremendous energies and caused an alleged number of 70.000.000 casualties) occurred when both Eris and Sedna were in the sign of Aries? And on the other hand, how can such a war break out with just an outer planet in the sign of Aries (Jupiter)? It makes no sense at all. The World War II had a distinctive Aries trait (Germany is traditionally an Aries country and even its "Blitzkrieg" (the "lighting-war" that the Germans introduced in WW2 for the first time ever in world history) is a typically Arietid product. All this makes sense only if we take in consideration Eris and Sedna! In such a case, an entire stellium is formed in Aries on the very moment of the German invasion in Poland (1st of September 1939) that traditionally signals the breaking of World War II: 

We can clearly see now a whole array of planets-planetoids in the bellicose sign of Aries (with three of them falling in the bellicose - as well - Eight House). Eris is conjuncted by the Moon and Jupiter while Sedna receives a square aspect from Mars. This is by all means a major war outbreak chart!

 And since we have in our hands these new wonderful “tools” (Eris and Sedna) why we don’t apply them to the 1939 pre-war Vernal Ingress chart so as to see what kind of clues will come out this time.

Well, you can see above how much ominous this Ingress chart becomes! Eris is conjuncting both the Luminaries and squaring Mars!  That’s a pretty “shady” element on its own (if you think that Eris instigates strife)! Additionally, Sedna is tightly conjunct by Saturn - unleashing its harsh energies over the social and political reality of the time! This Vernal Ingress chart might easily be considered a war harbinger (notice how much the very first degrees of Aries are emphasized in it, as in the case of the chart erected for the German invasion to Poland. The Moon is in both charts in the sign of Aries - almost in the same degree)!  If the astrologers of the 1930's had in their disposition the "tools" of Eris and Sedna they would have realized the fact that the 1939 Vernal Ingress chart was a war precursor!

Even World War I can be more clearly understood if we consider the fact that Sedna already was back then in Aries, while at the same time Pluto was forming a square aspect to Eris (actually during the critical years 1914 - 1916 Pluto was forming a broader square aspect to both Eris and Sedna. That was quite unusual and certainly must have bore certain implications on world history that we should pinpoint)!

I have personally re-examined tens and tens of major events in world history and I can assure you that we rarely encounter a chart of some historical significance with none of these two planetoids pivotally participating in it! I am even amazed by the fact of how much accurate are the aspects that Eris and Sedna are forming in each separate case!  Beyond any doubt, their discovery is monumental; it is a Columbus kind of discovery for astrology! Eris and Sedna are the new kids on the planetary block. Us astrologers we should call them planets and not planetoids (we are already calling Pluto a planet and we are not regretting it at all). Since the energies of Eris and Sedna are distinctively “collective” and “universal” it is more than obvious that these two planets will enormously enrich Mundane Astrology in the years to come!

I believe that the newly found planetoids - planets have considerably expanded our consciousness and opened us brand new horizons! They are offering us unique new tools, with which we can now improve and enhance - like never before - our interpretative and predictive techniques!

Thomas Gazis

P.S. You can read here some speculation of mine on the properties of Eris.

This is a Thomas Gazis original article
Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis 

Monday, 13 February 2012

Astrological predictions for Greece (2012 and beyond) - under the siege of Eris!

                                                      (an artist's concept of Eris)
Greece is taken over by unknown forces! Forces the nature of which we essentially ignore! All we can say with certainty is that these astrological forces are omnipotent, primordial and somehow fatal. They will radically change the shape and the "soul" of this ancient country. A new Greece is been hatched now, a Greece that if it will be finally "born" and raised it will have nothing in common with the old Greece of the 20th century (or of the first decade of the 21st century). I wrote "if it will be born" because this is a delicate phase, where always lurks the danger of extinction. The astrological influences on Greece are extremely powerful now! And they largely stem out of a planet that has just been discovered and whose nature we must decode promptly!

Actually, modern Greece has never before received such extreme astrological influences! Especially in the last 3 years it has been the "target" of a mysterious primordial  planet (dwarf planet to the astronomers) that moves on the very edge of our solar system and which is called "Eris"! This planet is big enough - as big as Pluto - but it is so far away from us that we discovered it only in 2005. When it was first discovered many people considered it to be the legendary Tenth Planet of our solar system! We are not talking here about a "boulder" but about an important celestial body, which we astrologers owe to include in the astrological charts we erect and interpret it properly. Very little we know about its nature and its astrological properties. It will probably take another 20 to 30 years to form a complete picture of its astrological "identity". The thing is though that Eris has spent the last years being in a severe frontal collision course with the horoscope of Greece. And it is the first time since the foundation of this mediterranean country that Eris is influencing in such a negative way. This is a major astrological event, which as far as I know has not been studied yet! An event that requires us to determine directly the mysterious properties of Eris, because they ultimately determine to a large extent the course of Greece in 2012 - and in the years to come!

Eris is now at 21 degrees of Aries and it is currently forming an acute square aspect to the natal Sun of modern Greece (22 degrees of Capricorn, and a few minutes - not sure about Greece's time of "birth"). Essentially, Eris is hovering over the 22 degrees of Aries since 2010 (the year the huge crisis in Greece started). And because of its extremely slow motion and its many retrogradations Eris will keep hovering around 22 degrees of Aries until 2017 - forming continuously a square aspect for 8 consecutive years to Greece's natal Sun! Considering the adverse influences of Uranus - Pluto too in the natal horoscope of this country (you can see it here), you realize how crucial this period is for modern Greece.

Since each planet has its "flip" side (i.e. Pluto contains the "destruction" but the "regeneration" too), our interpretation will not be complete unless we find first this Eris' "flip" side . We have already taken a first idea of ​​the "destructive" side of Eris, but we completely ignore its "creative" side, namely how will 
Eris "reform" and "re-build"  the future Greece (of the 2020's - 2030's)!

                                                                 (a BBC photo)

The most conspicuous elements of the mythological Eris that its namesake planet triggered in Greece's case are the next:

1) The sense of the sudden and unexpected breaking of the "wedding party". Greece lived
in the previous years a largely fictitious prosperity  and suddenly - under the influence of Eris - the "party" broke! From a rather "celebrative" mood  the Greeks fell soon to a depressive and even suicidal mood!

2) The element of the "uninvited", of the "unwanted" (Eris was the only deity that was considered undesirable and was not invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis). This is how the Western European Union is treating now Greece
, like a "pariah" country.

3) The friction and "discord" that occurred in Greece (the endless ptotests and clashes on the streets of Athens and the tension between the various social strata).

4) "Lawlessness" (a parliamentary minority - which basically does not represent the will of the Greek people - is now legislating and deciding the fate of the entire country).

5) The "chain reaction" effect. In the Eris myth something small and insignificant, like the golden apple that Eris threw in the room where  the marriage of Peleus and Thetis was taking place disrupted some delicate balances and caused strong chain reactions that eventually led to the Trojan war. On a superficial reading, the responsibility for the conduct of the Trojan war could be attributed to Eris. In reality, however, Eris intervention was just the "drop" that overflowed the already full - of egos and rivalries between the gods - glass." Such a role of an "international trouble maker" has been lately attributed to Greece (which is generally depicted as a heavily indebted country inhabited by lazy, irresponsible, corrupted people).

Every time, now, a memorandum is passed for voting in the Greek parliament all the stock markets of the world are (apparently) anxiously awaiting the outcome of the voting, as if a tiny country and economy like the Greek could affect the stock exchanges of our entire planet! This is completely absurd, and yet many people believe that Greece is largely responsible for the current course of the stock markets all over the world! And indeed Greece has a huge exterior debt. But this debt largely consists of all kinds of "toxic debts" that certain foreign banks and funds unethically dumped upon Greece! In any case, this mediterranean country has suddenly become extremely important to the entire planet, it is the country most often heard in the news all over the world! It has gained an unprecedented worldwide publicity - but mostly of a negative kind, at this stage!

And to step into the paths of the "jungian synchronicity" there are some other elements that do not stem from the mythological Eris but from the "spirit" of the period in which Eris was discovered:

1) planet Eris was given a Greek name - of a Greek deity - and soon after its discovery Greece suddenly became the most "discussed" country all over the world!

2) the element of "demotion". The "demotion" of Pluto occurred as a result of Eris discovery. Since Eris looked a lot like Pluto the astronomers suddenly realize that they both belong to another realm - to the Kuiper belt - and not to our very Solar System. But the fact of Pluto's demotion into a dwarf planet caused confusion and upset to millions of people around the world who were accustomed to regard Pluto as a planet. Similarly, the  "international rating agencies" constantly downgrade Greece lately. Moreover, the very standards of life dramatically slipped in the last couple of years in Greece (and we are talking in material terms here, because under the human point of view the Greek society has ameliorated, the human approach between the individuals in Greece became warmer, stronger, more fraternal - than in the previous consumistic Era).

3) The "capsizing" of the scene. By 2005 we knew that our Solar System ended to Pluto, that Pluto was the last planet. And suddenly in 2005 (with the discovery of Eris) we realized that a vast new world - filled with many planetoids - extends beyond our Solar System and that eventually Pluto is not the last of the planets but the first of the planetoids! This is a sort of quantum leap, a momentous shift in human consciousness! So I think that Eris is associated with properties like those of the "unexpected capsizing of the scene," of the acquisition of a "more advantageous point of view" and of a "profound mass awakening."

All these elements have been strongly manifested in the - under the siege of Eris - today's Greece. Like many citizens across the world, the Greeks were previously conducting - blissful and unaware - their lives within their "Greek mini-universe" and suddenly the horizons opened up and Greece was flooded by the agony of so many nations and international stock markets which apparently - for some mysterious reason - were dependant upon Greece! The Greeks suddenly realized that their "Greek microcosm" was ultimately composed of more dimensions than they never thought of, that their country is crucial and relevant to the entire world! They painfully realized the huge responsibility of their current and previous governments, of their fellow citizens and themselves as well for the colossal crisis they are going through. Quite paradoxically, the Greek governments that previously were expressing the will of the people now seem to express quite the opposite: what is against the will of the people! Under these circumstances the Greeks have somehow lost their "bearings" and are in confusion and despair now, they cannot understand what is actually going on, what is happening to them - as everything around them seems so grim and chaotic (another Eris' property), unstable and threatening!

Thus, if we want to discover more Eris' properties Greece is now our chance! As this country is currently under the siege of Eris, we should simply observe and differentiate the particular results of Eris upon Greece. One such key element is what I call the "schizoid paradox." While the everyday Greek citizens experience at first hand the cruelty and brutality of the various "memoranda", cuts and undemocratic measures the Greek politicians maintain that they are taking these steps "for the people's own good"! I have the impression that one of the astrological properties of Eris will prove to be that of the "schizoid paradox" (two opposite things that seem equally plausible). The fact is that one cannot liberate him/herself from the entanglement of such a paradox unless s/he possesses a higher level of consciousness and an ability of "second reading").

I personally marvel at how much "collective" and "universal" Eris seems to be. It is far more collective and universal than Pluto! Thus, Eris creates some very particular ties between the "differentiated" and the "universal", advocating the "inter-connectiveness" of all things. For example, apparently it is Greece that currently has a "huge" problem - "discussed" world-wide - but ultimately it turns out that Greece just happened to be the carrier of some very deep and profound "collective messages" that are resonating to the entire humanity! That is why many protesters in various European and other capitals rally to support Greece. They don't actually do it purely for Greece but for themselves too. Because they know that what Greeks faces today they will probably face tomorrow. Greece represents to them a "condensed" symbol of something much bigger going on, to which every single citizen on this planet partakes! As the Australian author/journalist Guy Rundle put it: «Greece is now the cutting edge of the world»!

Some of the above mentioned attributes of Eris are in a way consistent with the view of certain astrologers who claim that Eris is the higher "octave" of planet Saturn (the method of "octave" turns to be an unexpected assistance to us, in our effort to decode the properties of Eris. According to it, the higher octave of Mercury is Uranus, Neptune of Venus and Pluto of Mars). Somehow, Eris appears to have expressed several "Saturnian" properties in the case of Greece. He brought a sharp decline in its people revenues, shortages, privations, hardships (many homes have no heating while many people by now resort to public messes in order to eat). An international scorn fell upon the people of Greece - foreign goverments argue that the Greeks are lazy and they cannot tidy up their country. If Eris is ultimately the higher octave of Saturn then it will work really hard and it will probably bring Greece to the very point of extinction. From a certain point on though Eris will "mature" Greece and it will begin to build this country on a new, stronger foundations - transforming this Mediterranean country into a more vibrant, progressed and competitive country!

My personal view however is that Eris is the highest octave of Uranus. Between Pluto and Eris there are two more large planetoids, "Haumea" and "Make-Make." If we want to keep the hierarchy then we should consider Haumea as the superior octave of Jupiter and Make-Make as the one of Saturn. In such a case, Eris would be the higher octave of Uranus. This means that in the near future the people of Greece will probably experience a resounding overthrow of their established order - through extreme social uprisings and a general impoverishment and "lawlessness" that could initially dominate (another intrinsic element of Eris). I believe though that in a second phase some creative elements of Eris will manifest, which I personally asign to the Eris' "odd singularity" principle (these elements will manifest especially from 2020 onwards, when the intensity of the square aspect of Pluto to the natal Sun of Greece will begin to wane). Eris will change in a strange way Greece in the late 2020's. Of course by then Greece will be pretty much owned by its today's creditors. But as Eris is wisely teaching us polarities are somehow an illusion. All is One and there should be no distinctions. A creditor and a debtor are intrinsincally related and thus the creditor can turn to a debtor and the debtor to a creditor! Thus, by the 2030's many of the actual creditors - who are grooming now for the take over of the Greek wealth, resources, properties and assets - will be turning themselves (if living in Greece) into Greek citizens!

All in all, Eris will radically reshape Greece and turn it literally to a new country, a country more efficient and advanced, with better institutions and a more just society. Greece of 2020-2030 will be probably resembling a Mediterranean Sweden!

Thomas Gazis
This is a Thomas Gazis original article
Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis 

Sunday, 18 December 2011

World Predictions 2012 - A Rigid Pluto vs a Raging Uranus!

You would be surprised to know that you can make some DIY world astrological predictions (even if you are not very knowledgeable about astrology) as long as you remember the basics of mythology and possess a discerning mind!

The image above depicts the "World Horoscope" for the year 2012. Actually a "World Horoscope" looks like a minimalist natal chart. We keep on it the "collective" planets (Uranus, Neptune,Pluto) and the intermediate, "social" ones (Jupiter, Saturn) - while we "strip" it from any personal planet. On a "World Horoscope" the sign of Aries stands always on the left and the sign of Capricorn on the top!

As the "intermediate" planets and the outer ones move slowly, their positions for the whole of 2012 will be - broadly - as you see them above (Jupiter - being relatively faster - will transit in the sign of Gemini too and Saturn in the sign of Scorpio from October on).

The most "elevated" planet in this "World Horoscope" is Pluto (the planet in black, on the top). Pluto actually stands on the very "Zenith of the World" - in the sign of Capricorn that is! Why is this "World's Zenith" so important? Because any "social - collective" planet standing there somehow dictates the "spirit" that will prevail in humanity for the period of its stay there! With this in mind, we can foretell the "spirit" of 2012 as being somehow dark, extreme, plutocratic, ruthless, transformative and potentially "mortal" - as planet Pluto is!

Remember "Hades" in mythology? He is the same (tricky) deity as Pluto. Hades dwells in the underword and is usurping the souls of the deceased people and their fortunes too. Actually Hades is a "quintillioner", as he accumulates over the centuries the fortunes of all the deceased people! Is this ringing a bell to you? The International Monetary Fund is apparently becoming the "Hades" of our Era, as it is ever more accumulating the fortunes of the various "deceased" nations - triggering a huge world financial crisis and bringing the spectre of poverty and famine over previously prospering populations! Goldman Sachs is allegedly ever more infiltrating the governments, indirectly ruling a large chunk of the world! Our governments are apparently getting ever more corrupted and irrational, reaching to the point of even conspiring against us (supposedly they are spraying us with chemtrails, they are massively administering us vaccines containing harmful to us toxic ingredients etc.) With dark and "diabolic" Pluto sitting currently on the "Word's Zenith" our governments seem more "dark" and evil than ever! And this situation will aggravate in 2012, as Saturn will move into Scorpio (and will form a "mutual reception" with Pluto in Capricorn).

The planet most prominently "rising" on this "World Horoscope" is Uranus (the blue planet on the left, near the "horizon"). Uranus represents the kind of "energy" that is actually "rising" worldwide (we will analyze this in a while)! Uranus currently stands in Aries, over the "World's Ascendant" point. This "World's Ascendant" is a sort of "gate" and out of it torrential fresh energies are released upon humanity - and upon each single individual in particular. If the "World's Zenith" represents the "ruling class" - as we saw - and Plutocracy then the "World's Ascendant" represents the plain individuals and Democracy. Pluto on the "World's Zenith" makes the ruling classes ever more corrupted and oppressive while Uranus on the "World's Ascendant" makes the individuals torrentially rebellious! And as Pluto and Uranus are blatantly clashing in 2012 (by a very harsh astrological aspect called "square") we are going to witness tremendous battles between the people and the ruling classes in the months ahead!

Uranus is the "Big Awakener"! As it reached in the last couple of years the "World's Ascendant" it has torrentially started awaking the individuals all over the planet, inciting them to take the power from their corrupted governments into their own hands! A brave new individual is born now, far less inactive and "dormant", more partaking to the society and to the collective, more enlightened, visionary and even "cosmic"!

Finally, planet Neptune in Pisces will probably bring a huge wave of poverty worldwide but - at the same time - it will change us as human beings, it will unite us deep in our souls, making us more sentimental, empathic versus our fellow humans and charitable! Neptune in Pisces will revive romanticism.

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis

P.S. You can read more on the mythology of Uranus and Pluto here and on Neptune in Pisces here .
        The astrological charts are made with the "Astrolabe's" Solar Fire Gold 8 software.

Friday, 9 December 2011

The strange astronomical similarity of the "base" to the "end" date of the Mayan calendar!

If there is a date that rings the louder bell to the inhabitants of our planet nowadays then this date is: December 21st 2012! This "popular soda" kind of date has become a staple in our times for two reasons: it is imminent to us and - more importantly - it marks the "End date" of the current "Long Count" Mayan calendar - which certain Mayanists interpret as the "end of all days"! Basically, on December 21st 2012 a full "cosmic cycle" will be completed - according to the Maya. When did this cycle started though? The scholars say on August 11th, 3114 BCE ! This is the very "Base date" of the "Long Count" Mayan calendar. The time span between these two milestone dates (August 11th, 3114 BCE and December 21st 2012) is exactly 13 Baktuns (13 being the most holly number to the Maya and a "Baktun" - approx. 400 years - being their idea of a "millennium" - they were living much shorter lives then)!

We have no clue why the Maya chose the date August 11th, 3114 BCE as the "beginning" of their current "Era". Did they choose this date arbitrarily? Other ancient civilizations like the Byzantines indeed chose rather arbitrarily the date of the creation of the World (September 1st, 5509 BCE.), on which they based their (linear) calendar. A Byzantine scholar i.e. would write our year 2012 CE as: 7521 ACW - "After the Creation of the World". And although an "arbitrary" thing does not sound very "Mayan", it might have been so...Otherwise it makes no sense the fact that back in 3114 BCE the ancestors of the Maya had developed such a perfect "cyclical" calendar that they could define and deliver to the future Mayan generations the "Base Date" of their almost flawless Long Count calendar! It couldn't have been so, unless these Mayan ancestors took the Long Count calendar directly from some extra-terrestrials or some Atlantis survivors! If this is not the case, this determinative "Base Date" should be an arbitrary one, a date of a probably religious or mythological significance. In any case, to the Mayan cosmological perception this date is so important that they based their entire "Long Count" calendar on it, they set off a whole New Age from that date on!

An amazing, whole new discovery!

If the date December 21st 2012 has such a particular meaning to humanity then its "antipode" too (the date August 11th, 3114 BCE) should have one. These two dates are not only "semantically" connected, but according to the Mayan cosmology they are somehow identical! As far as we know though, no major world event occured on August 11th, 3114 BCE. It does not seem to coincide with any major world - impacting event, with the fall i.e. on the Earth of some big meteorite, with the eruption of a super-volcano or with any other major geological, geographical or societal event. Even astrologically this date looks rather insignificant - if we examine it under the lenses of our Western Astrology. Things might change radically though if we apply to it the proper, Mayan astrology. Don't panic though! A large chunk of the Mayan astrology relies onto plain visible observation. What you see is what you interpret!

The most important factor in Mayan astrology is planet Venus (the brighter star on the sky, which is very distinguishable early in the morning or in the evening - depending on Venus' orbit). Thus, it surprises us a little bit the fact that on August 11th, 3114 BCE Venus rose as a “morning” star - it rose before the Sun - leading the rather significant to the Mayan cosmology sequence Venus – Mercury – Sun (you can see in the chart below Venus in blue, Mercury in yellow, Sun in red).

But things get far more exciting if we study as well the morning sky of the end date, 21 December 2012

NOTE: This is just an excerpt. You may purchase the full article here

   Chapters of the full article (34 pages with explanatory illustrations:
- The Mayan cosmology
- The cyclical nature of the Long Count calendar
- A whole new discovery of Thomas Gazis on the Mayan calendar
- The deeper psychological meaning of the 2012 hype
- The scenario of the planetary alignment
- The scenario of the planetary clustering
- The Galactic Alignment for dummies
- The Earth crossing the galactic mid-plane scenario
- The Nibiru - Sedna - planet X scenario

- Interpreting properly the famous "Deluge" illustration

Thomas Gazis

This is an original article written by Thomas Gazis. Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis.

Free Annual Astrological Predictions 2012 - All signs!

Please click the sign you are interested in to get your Free 2012 Annual Astrological Predictions (written by Greek Astrologer Thomas Gazis):

Aries     Taurus     Gemini     Cancer     Leo     Virgo

Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis

Aries 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions

Out of a rare coincidence, planet Mars (which rules your sign) will remain in the work-related field of your horoscope for the whole six first months of 2012. The specter of unemployment will probably threaten you in the new year and you might find yourself struggling to keep your job or to find a new one. Another version of this Mars position is that you will not seriously run the risk of unemployment, but you will take much more work and duties on your shoulders (especially if you were born after April 10). You will receive additional pressure at work and maybe get often in a heated debate with your colleagues, subordinates etc. Stress will probably become a dominant component in your daily life, at least until July 3 - when planet Mars will leave this critical to you zodiacal position.

On the other hand, 2012 may prove to be a very fruitful year, both in your working environment and in your domestic life. You may discover that you are particularly skilled in the "Do It Yourself" area, in certain technical works, handicraft, chiropractic etc. and you might even profit from these newfound skills of yours. Generally, in the last two years you have been more practical and methodical, thanks to the "lessons" planet Saturn has given you. This austere planet has - on the one hand - matured you considerably but - on the other hand - it might have deprived you of certain things and led you into a general "shrinking" of your life - making you often feel the "I am not myself" sensation. Fortunately on October 5, 2012 Saturn will finally leave this inharmonic to you position and you will then rediscover many of your old freedoms - and some new ones too! Be careful though not to overdo it (especially those of you born in March, who receive simultaneously now the "electrical" energies of Uranus and the extremely harsh ones of planet Pluto).

Regarding you love life, planet Saturn has matured you enormously and led you to more realistic and "viable" options. In the period February 8 - March 5 you will experience some very strong hearbeats (Venus - the planet of love - will be transiting in Aries then). Additionally, next Summer will bring you fascinating acquaintances and a whole variety of erotic experiences. The month of September looks "rosy" too, as you might have then a major love affair and start a new, significant relationship.

Thomas D. Gazis
Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis

Taurus 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


The "dark" - to many - 2012 may ultimately prove to be a bright year to you Tauruses, a year that might leave you with many sweet memories! It will open you some new roads and will bring you major opportunities in most areas of your life - especially in its first half, when lucky Jupiter will be in your own sign! Choose this time-period if you want to take important initiatives, to expand your activities, contact foreigners and travel overseas.

Do not be afraid to risk now a little bit more than usual. With Jupiter in your sign - until June 11 - luck will be on your side. Those things you could not achieve in the past you will achieve relatively easily now! Moreover, with the benefic influence of Mars - which (thanks to a rare coincidence) will be very harmonious to you for the whole first half of the year - you will be given now the necessary stamina and strenght to overcome any obstacle. Thus, do not be afraid to assert now your self and demand your rights! Be rather conservative and defensive though in the second part of the year, when you will not have on your side lucky Jupiter any more.

Your levels of vitality and creativity will rise considerably this year (thanks to the definite departure of the planet Neptune from a discordant to you horoscopic area). In addition, the presence of Mars in your Fifth House will benefit those of you involved in the artistic bussiness. If you have children, your relationship with them will become more spontaneous and you will see them responding positevely to your educational methods. If you want to have a child, this year is quite fruitful and the "stork" might soon pay a visit to you!

On the love field, 2012 appears to be a highly erotic year! It will bring you very strong heartbeats, especially between March and May. You should try very hard then to stay without a partner at your side. Things will get more serious in the last four months - when the strict planet Saturn will move to the area of your horoscope corresponding to your relations and collaborations. Saturn will either "solemnize" a relationship of yours or lead you to a sort of dead end (to some sort of refusal from the part of the person you are interested in. Your love life might be negatively conditioned in that specific period by external pressures, unaddressed practical issues etc.) So, you should commit yourself and act responsibly towards the end of the year.

Thomas D. Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Gemini 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


Although 2012 might not start very propitiously to you Gemini, its second half may turn to be very favorable! In the first six months you should display patience and determination, as you will probably encounter obstacles, conflicts, tensions and some forms of aggression (with no apparent reason) from the people around you. You see, on those first six months planet Mars will be constantly discordant to you (out of a rare coincidence)! Your already fragile nervous system will arrive on the verge of collapse then, while around you too much egotism, denial of co-operation and misunderstandings will be prevailing (even within your immediate/family environment).

During 2012 you may have to start literally from scratch, totally reviewing your plans. Mostly, you have to remove those "sharp" points that were bringing you in an open conflict with certain people around you - whose interests are contrary to yours. If you become more diplomatic you will still be able to achieve what you want (provided that you act in a more "silent" mode, without exposing yourself and disclosing your true motivations to the others)!

On February 3 planet Neptune will move into a discordant to your sign position, complicating the situations and bringing in your life some form of confusion, fatigue and weakness (especially to those born in May). Add to the scene the two critical - to your sign - eclipses that will occur on the 21st of May and on the 4th of June and you will understand why we say that the first half of the year is expected to be somewhat tedious for you.

But things will change radically after June 11. From that date onwards Jupiter - the luckiest planet in astrology - will enter in your sign ! With his magic wand Jupiter will change the situations around you and will create new opportunities for you - especially in the business and love affairs area. You might encounter in 2012 the partner you have always dreamed of!

Apart from Jupiter, Venus - the planet of love - will also bring you some "gifts"! Out of a rare coincidence - of a positive kind this time - Venus will stay in your sign for more than 4 months (from April 3 up to 7 August). You will thus have at your disposal 127 whole propitious nights for love, nights that will be eagerly waiting you to fill them with a lot of kisses, hugs and passion!

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Cancer 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


Some radical changes (mostly of a positive nature) are expected to take place in your life in the new year, especially in its first half (when the lucky planet Jupiter and the dynamic planet Mars will be sending you very harmonic influences). New conditions will emerge that will change your life in a dynamic and - at times - revolutionary manner. Meanwhile, some positive developments will restore faith in your soul and you will gradually begin to feel more relaxed, secure and "solid".

Among the good news we should account planet Saturn's departure from a discordant to your sign position! Saturn probably gave you some hard time and tough "lessons" in the last couple of years, lessons that ultimately brought you "down to earth" and made you more realistic and efficient. But on October 5th the "Lord of the Rings" will move in Scorpio, in a very harmonic position to your sign! This saturnian shift will signal the beginning of a more happy, expansive and prosperous period in your life.

All in all, 2012 seems to be a year "in transition" for you. Thus, you might find very often yourself in the position of co-ordinating many different issues and matters at the same time, and this means a lot of time spent over the phone and "on the road". You will probably come in contact with many new people and environments and travel a lot (especially in the first half of 2012) mainly for business and eventually for pleasure too.

Regarding the love matters, you might get romantically involved with a person related to your past or to your place of origin. The most promising months seem to be August and September - and especially the period 7 August - 6 of September when Venus (the planet of love) will be transiting in your sign. You might experience some very strong heartbeats then!

Thomas Gazis

Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Leo 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


2012 will bring you some great opportunities, especially in the professional field. You should keep your eyes open in order to seize these opportunities and make the best out of them. Remember to move within a very realistic and pragmatic framework this year, avoiding the typical to your sign "dramas'" and excesses.

In the first half of the year some intense fermentations will take place in the work/career field. If you are an employee then you might be granted a new and better post or even a promotion. If you have a steady job then you might expand it in some way. Make sure however not to drain your energies and your resources, because after October 5th planet Saturn will move to a discordant position (in the sign of Scorpio). A period of "lean years" might start from then on (especially if you were born in July). You might find yourself confronted by many new responsibilities and duties, which in the end you will manage efficiently - thanks to your unique orginizing spirit and to the amazing stamina your sign possesses.

A fascinating person that will somehow pop out of your friendly environment will play a fundamental role in your heart this year. Initially, you might get involved with this person on a rather friendly level and gradually move onto a more intimate one. As the "hottest" period of the year is depicted the one between September 6 and October 3. Venus - the planet of love - will be transiting then in your sign. Second best periods are those between February 9 - March 5 and between 17 - 31 December.

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Virgo 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


2012 is profiled as an "electric" year to you! Out of a rare coincidence planet Mars will remain in your sign for almost seven months (till July the 3rd)! With Mars on your side you Virgoes will become more bold, dynamic and intrepid than ever! This is the most propitious time for you to vigorously assert yourself, take initiatives and make brand new beginnings! Apart Mars, you will have on your side planet Jupiter too (which will be sending you - until June 11 - some highly favorable influences). With such "stellar allies" you will manage to overcome many obstacles and achieve your goals in business and in finance.

The business sector of your horoscope is particularly emphasized in 2012 and this means that you will be given major opportunities in that area. You should take initiatives mainly in the first half of 2012, which looks more fertile to you. Aim high but try not to overdo it. With Mars in your sign your nervous system will be very "tense" and you will be easily ending up into sterile confrontations and quarrels - and you will have a certain predisposition to accidents too. Thus, control your impulses and be as cool as you can.

On October 5 the austere planet Saturn will leave the area of ​​your horoscope related to your finances. This event could mark a very positive change in your financial matters. Certain limiting factors may cease to exist and you might then start receiving some extra income!

2012 is the proper year for you to expand your contacts, to meet new friends and to create a rich social networking. Do not underestimate this factor! If you make the right acquaintances now and create some strong alliances you will gain more power and influence - both socially and professionally (the two are closely related). Any contacts with clubs, associations etc. will be favored!

Regarding relationships, this is a year of important decisions. Many of you will claim their freedom and autonomy and will step out of a relationship. Some others may impulsively get into a relationship and become somehow "trapped" there. If you were born in August then you are likely to fall in 2012 for some kind of platonic love - unrequited of course - or you might relate to a person who will consequently betray your expectations. Around June some kind of (temporary) alienation may occur with the person you love (of a physical or emotional kind). The "hottest" period of the year will be the one between 3 - 28 October, when planet Venus will be transiting in your sign.

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Libra 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


2012 might prove to be a "therapeutic" year to you, a year that will help you overcome many of your - recent and remote - traumas and firmly stand on your feet! In reality, your sign is still under the grip of some tough astrological influences. By now though you have mostly taken your "lessons" and the "stars" will not have to be so strict with you - as they were in 2010 and 2011. Moreover, in the second half of 2012, the inharmonic to you planetary influences will considerably diminish while simultaneously you will start receiving ever more favorable influences! Jupiter will pass on the 12th of June in the sign of Gemini, in a very harmonic position in respect to your sign. This lucky planet will bring you brand new opportunities in all the areas of your life - mainly in the second half of the year. All in all, 2012 seems a year of major achievements for you - in spite of the difficulties that you will be encountering every now and then!

If you wish to accomplish something big I would advise you to wait until the second half of the year, which is depicted more favorable to you. In the first half of 2012 move rather conservative and generally keep your "back" upon the wall. Protect your achievements from certain "disguised" competitors of yours.

The austere planet Saturn will remain in your sign until October 5 (this year though it will affect mainly those of you born after October 10). You might take too many responsibilities on your shoulders and become the epicenter of a strict criticism. Be sure not to take things too seriously and behave with as much realism and stoicism as you can!

Be careful in the matters of the heart, because in 2012 you might be consumed by some sort of infatuation which will ultimately lead you to disappointment and to nothing concrete. Things will become clearer from April onwards. A fascinating person will probably open you his/her heart in the first summer weeks. The "hottest" period of the year is the one between October 29 and November 22! Planet Venus will be transiting then in your sign, bestowing extra charm on you and atracting several potential partners in your side!

Thomas Gazis

Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Scorpio 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


2012 is profiled as a year of crisis alright but the thing is crises bring the very best in you! Scorpios perform far better when they face hard conditions! Thus, 2012 may prove to be a very positive year to you. Provided that you form alliances! You possess great skills on your own but especially in this new year you will accomplish more easily your goals if you bring the right people on your side - people who will stand by you and will support your actions. Try to be less inflexible and adopt diplomacy.

In the professional field you may start in 2012 an important collaboration that will open you some new horizons. The entrance of planet Saturn in your sign on October the 5th signals a turning point in your carreer, where on the one hand you will have more responsibilities and obligations and on the other hand more rewards!

In the first half of the year - when Jupiter will be opposing your sign - a tendency might prevail in you to overspend (money, feelings, etc.). In this way you will drain very fast your resources and you will be forced to make bloody savings in the second half of the year - especially from October 5th on, when planet Saturn will enter in your sign. Initially Saturn will affect most strongly those of you born in October (any overspending and excesses will probably cost dearly to you).

This year is ideal for you to set once and for all any disputes you have with third parties on financial issues, inheritance etc. With the beneficial planet Jupiter being - in the first half of the year - in the sector of your horoscope related to legal matters you will most probably vindicate your issues!

A solar eclipse will take place in your sign on November 14. Some very unstable conditions might prevail then, so you should move carefully and avoid taking important decisions or risky initiatives around that date.

The sector of love affairs is highly energized in 2012. If you're alone you're likely to start an important relationship! If you are already in a relationship you may turn it to a more formal, by engaging or even getting married! One of the hottest periods of the year will be the one between November 22 and December 16, when planet Venus will be transiting in your sign.

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Sagittarius 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions

2012 seems a very dynamic and "pivotal" year to you Sagittariuses! You will become more energetic, determined and combative and you will manage to get things in your own hands. Additionally, you while develop a better network of relationships and social contacts.

In the first half of the year (when planet Mars will be inharmonic to you) you will be probably forced to give some "epic" battles in order to defend issues related to your job and to your overall career. Some competitors of yours will be doing their best to give you a hard time, so you need to literally fight with your "claws and teeth" in order not to lose certain rights of yours - or even worse your very job. If you're unemployed you will probably find yourself in a position where you will be fiercely fighting to get a job. Some calmer conditions will begin to form in your life after July the 3rd (planet Mars will move then into a more harmonious to you area of the zodiac).

As you understand, the first half of the year may bring you a lot of tension and some broken nerves (you should control your impulses then and avoid extremes). On the other hand, it will open you some important business paths and will bring you some kind of recognition (not only at your working environment but in the social field too). That's a good period for you to compete vigorously and pursue your dreams. Do not expect to achieve any fast results. You have to display first a lot of perseverance, patience, maturity and method, to see your goals realized!

In the second half of the year relationships and collaborations will become very important to you (your ruling planet - Jupiter - will move then into that sector of your horoscope). You may establish then a very important collaboration, that will open you some new horizons. Beware though not to cultivate too many expectations out of your partners and secure first your assets.

With Jupiter in opposition a sort of dissatisfaction might prevail in your life and within yourself, propelling you to to achieve impossible and inaccessible things! You should try to moderate this impulse of yours. Generally, in the second half of the year a tendency towards exaggeration and waste is likely to dominate over you and this you have to check, because we live in difficult times.

In the sentimental area, many of you will decide now to give a more solemn form to their relationship and they will probably get engaged or even married. If you're on your own, you might experience flings that will bring you some strong heartbeats (especially around the end of March - beginning of April).

Keep a low profile around the dates of the three critical to you eclipses: 21 May (solar eclipse in the sign of Gemini), June 4 (lunar eclipse in your sign), December 28 (lunar eclipse in the sign of Gemini).

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis