(I wrote about this a couple of years ago, in some Facebook mundane astrology groups. In light of the upcoming Presidential Inauguration, I believe it is pertinent to publish the relevant content here as well.)
The Presidential Inauguration ceremonies appear to be purposefully tailored (possibly by freemasons) so that the President of the USA gets sworn in at about the time the Aquarius Sun (in the first degree of the sign) is culminating in the sky! We understand the cosmic and esoteric significance of such an event: the President of the USA is beginning his term of office with the Aquarian Sun above his head and in close proximity to the Inaugurtion's MC! So far, so good! This time though a quite different cosmic energy will permeate the relative ceremony, on the 20th of January 2025!
If the title of this blog came as a surprise to you, then you should know that true astrology is actually scientific! What is not scientific is the popular, predictions orientated astrology you probably are familiar with!
Saturday, 9 November 2024
The 2025 "Plutonian" Presidential Inauguration!
Sunday, 3 November 2024
2026 - 2030: Humanity's Golden Era (according to Andre Barbault)!
Friday, 22 December 2023
An astrological perspective on a possible Civil War in the United States
As you may know, the so-called transcendental planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) play a major part in Mundane Astrology. Every single variation of theirs, every new aspect they form, and notably their eventual sign shift, may provide us with crucial information about humanity's future course.
There is, however, another important but lesser-known feature of the transcendental planets: the "resonance" of their orbits. I've been researching that feature for some years now and I firmly believe it's a quite useful element in the "mundane astrology" toolkit.
Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Pluto in Aquarius: the dictatorship of the "commonness" and of the "abnormal" (and your money do not belong to you)!
The majority of astrologers considers Pluto's upcoming entrance into the sign of Aquarius as a "positive thing". Probably because they tend to link Aquarius with an impending "golden age"! As a result, they mostly make optimistic predictions like "a new brighter era will dawn," "the common people will rebel against their autocratic rulers" and so on.
What those astrologers overlook is the fact that the "Pluto in Aquarius" "equation" has two coefficients: Aquarius AND Pluto! So, on the one hand Pluto is (somehow) "activating" the sign of Aquarius alright, but on the other hand it is simultaneously attempting to impose its "tenebrious vibrations" on the sign of Aquarius! That's crucial and unless we take that aspect into consideration, we will not be able to interpret Pluto in Aquarius correctly.
Thursday, 21 April 2022
Our "airplane" (the "West") is nosediving - but we think we are flying fine!
Throughout history, the empires seem to be ever shifting from East to the West! Starting with what we consider the oldest known empires, the Mesopotamian and Egyptian ones, the "world hegemony" was consequently taken over by the Hellenistic Empire, by the Roman Empire, by the Frankish one and - later on - by the Spanish and the English empires! Then, the center of power shifted further westwards and USA became the strongest world empire! And apparently the time has come for the "world hegemony" to shift even further westwards, to China!
Such discussions are often held on the internet. But most of us are treating them as if they concerned some distant future event. Few people realize that this "changing of hegemony" process is happening right now, right in front of our own eyes!
Sunday, 3 April 2022
The 500 years mega-resonance planetary cycle (and the irrevocable degradation of Europe)!
![]() |
"Europe" by Justus van Egmont |
I was watching the other day a video of a brilliant Greek geopolitical analyst (Constantine Grivas) who was positing that the current war in Ukraine is signalling - among other things - the definite ending of the 500 years European dominance over the world! Plus, it is signalling the irrevocable transformation of Europe into a "vassal continent", on the periphery of the new geopolitical protagonists of the world!
Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Crimea 1853 vs. Ukraine/Crimea 2021: will history repeat itself?
Chances are you have never heard of the 1853 Crimea war. But out of some odd circumstances you might soon start watching on your TV/PC screen the brand new Crimea (and Ukraine) 2021 war, which most probably will be eerily similar to the 1853 one! Almost the same military powers will be involved in it! Russia from the one side and on the other side Turkey, alongwith the NATO alliance (comprising USA, UK and to some extent France).
If you do the math, you will realize that there are exactly 168 years seperating 2021 from 1853! But this number of years is significant to both astronomy and astrology! You see, it takes exactly 168 years for the planet Uranus to orbit twice the Sun (and thus, to cross twice the zodiac)! Plus, it takes almost 168 years (165 in reality) for Neptune to orbit the Sun and to cross once the zodiac!
Saturday, 14 March 2020
Our cities/societies are getting ever weirder and deadlier! (Coronavirus & "Capricorn Climax")
Our entire planet is living now some unprecedented and even nightmarish situations, with this deadly coronavirus pandemic that has stormed upon us! Most of us are experiencing situations that no human (except for the few aware epidemiologists and Astrologers) would ever expect to live! Especially in the western world, no generation before us has lived something like this (except of course the two world wars - which did not cause the collapse of societies in the Americas). And if we put aside the so-called "Spanish Flu" (which more or less coincided with World War I), the "movie" that is playing now before our very eyes has not been played for thousands of years (the 1347 CE "black death" had not affected, again, the American continent, Australia, etc.)!
Although humankind is technologically advanced by now, it has proved to be rather "flimsy" in front of the coronavirus threat - and so far unable to produce a drug that can neutralize it! The only countermeasure (prevention - not treatment) left to us is to stay indoors (as if we were doomed to "home restriction")! If we kept congregating in public spaces, in crowded halls, stadiums, cafes, gyms, cinemas, public means of transport, etc. then we would be mourning an exponential number of victims!
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Uranus in Aries has gone away...and with it the "Better Me" virtual self?
Just a couple of hours ago planet Uranus left the sign of Aries and entered Taurus (definitely this time)! We all know that when we come down to Uranus we should expect the "unexpected"! Thus, it's not easy to predict the situations and events it will bring about on a collective level, during its seven years stay in Taurus.
It's far easier to study Uranus' effects in hindsight. And I personally think that one of the "themes" that Uranus brought about, during its stay in Aries (from 2010/11 on), was the "BETTER ME VIRTUAL SELF"!
Saturday, 7 July 2018
The unusual celestial phenomena of summer 2018 (the 3 eclipses, humongous Mars etc.)!
Saturday, 23 July 2016
The astrological causes of the grim "zeitgeist" running now through Europe!
According to the myth, Jupiter the father of all gods in the disguise of a bull abducted the beautiful phoenician princess Europa and brought her to the european continent! In this way the continent of Europe was "inaugurated"! Every myth is rich in symbolism and this specific one is recounting to us the fact that the current European continent was bound to become a blessed land, a land that would display at its fullest the archetypes of royalty, of joviality and of taurean stability and prosperity.
Friday, 21 August 2015
Jupiter in Virgo - the God of small things!
Without too much ado, planet Jupiter entered a few days ago (on August 11th) in the sign of Virgo! The event went largely unnoticed, probably because at the time most people in the northern hemisphere were taking their summer vacation! Thus, unlike the entrance of Jupiter in Leo a year ago, this was a "no fanfare", low profile event - but that's quite appropriate to the nature of Virgo!
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
The Greek Declaration of Independence (and the true national horoscope of modern Greece!)
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And - which is more -you’ll be a Man, my son!"
This Rudyard Kipling's "If" poem was one of my favorites during my early adolescence. I couldn't entirely understand the melodramatic tone of the poem back then. I was just sensing that life - and the poet's talent - had distilled some omnipotent truth in this particular poem, so something was telling me to keep it in me as some precious resource. That proved to be a wise move because as the years were passing by I was ever more encountering situations were I had to make a stand against many individuals supporting a totally different point of view. I was thus resorting often to this poem, as I was struggling to maintain my inner balance. Because difficult as it might be to stand all alone against many it is (when creative) one of the holier tasks a human being can undertake...
Monday, 28 July 2014
Jupiter in Leo (an "unhyped" interpretation...)
There has been too much hype over the entrance of planet Jupiter in the sign of Leo - a few days ago. Supposedly all things are going to get better now and the optimism will sky-rocket among the people! But how can this be? According to the astrological tradition Jupiter was in a far better position in the previous sign, in Cancer where it is EXALTED! This means that from the moment Jupiter left Cancer and passed in the sign of Leo it was somehow "demoted" energetically - since Jupiter neither rules Leo nor is exalted in this fiery sign!
Undoubtedly Jupiter is not in its most privileged position when in Leo. On the other hand it is not in its most inopportune position either ... You see, according to the Hellenistic astrology (and to the Medieval / Renaissance one) Jupiter is the nocturnal ruler of the fiery triplicity (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Consequently, it acquires in Leo certain titles and offices. Not though the ones most astrologers are thinking of. If you noticed before, I wrote that Jupiter is the nocturnal ruler of the fiery triplicity. Which means that in the sign of Leo it exhibits somehow distinctively its properties but ultimately in a different - "esoteric" I would dare to say - manner. And in any case not so exuberantly and visibly as many would expect. This is pointed out by the law of "Tao" as well: The extreme "Yang" energies (the combined ones of Jupiter and Leo) are converted - from some point on - into "Yin"ones!
The main "obstacle" for Jupiter in Leo to manifest its exuberant side stems out of its most archetypal / fundamental property: the one of "opening up" and "expanding", the ever going on process of "dilatation and expansion". Such a property though is not particularly compatible with the sign of Leo, which generally works in favor of the "centrality" (Leo is ever promoting the "centralization" of all things). Therefore, there can never be a true"expansion" in the essentially "centripetal" sign of Leo, which is pushing the energies from the periphery to the center - and not from the center outwards, as the expansive planet Jupiter desires. The often narrow minded, stubborn and inflexible nature of Leo offers anything but a breeding ground for the spiritual and idealistic Jupiter, which needs a lot of dialogue, movement, freedom and open-mindness in order to flourish!
Jupiter somehow stands for the "complexity" while Leo opts for the "simplicity" (Jupiter ever interrelates isolated ideas, composing out of them complex and advanced concepts - and this mecchanism lies at the foundations of philosophy). On the other hand Leo is removing the more complex layers in order to get to the very core of a situation. Thus the two work at crosses purposes here. In addition, Leo (together with Virgo) is the sign of "purification". It wants to purify things out of any "spurious" element. But it is imperative to define first here what is a "spurious" element according to the Leonian perspective - because what exacly is "spurious" is often debatable. And what might seem spurious to the sign of Leo might seem quite indispensable to Jupiter so that it makes a "conceptual interconnection" and extrapolate something "higher" out of various randomly lying and apparently unrelated ideas.
On a "mundane" level Jupiter has to do with goals, belief systems and ideals (the ideals of a certain society, of a state, country etc). With the presence of Jupiter in Leo the social / national ideals might fluctuate and become more rigid and authoritarian - permitting thus extreme ideologies to surface. And as Leo is a conservative sign (remember that in the zodiac it is diametrically opposed to the "radical" sign of Aquarius) it is now likely to trigger a more rigid spirit worldwide. Perhaps it is no coincidence that the first "tsunami" of conservatism / monetarism in the Western world appeared in 1979 - when Jupiter was in Leo again - with the election of Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister of England.
Despite the fanfare of many astrologers the periods of Jupiter's presence in Leo have not been the brightest in human history! In March 2003 we had the American-British invasion of Iraq (who can really forget the hysterical Bush's and Blair's cries / calls to war?). In January 1991 we had the war in the Persian Gulf, with the Americans leading both the liberation of Kuwait and the invasion of Iraq. While in June 1967 we had the "six days of war" between Israel and Egypt that almost sparked an international armaggedon. All these major wars were conducted in periods when Jupiter was in Leo! And the two wars in Iraq were apparently "justified" by the pretense that the Americans had to impose their own "democracy" upon Iraq (how much "Jupiter in Leo" is this thing - enforcing my own "democracy" upon others? No true democracy is ever enforcing anything to any one!)
On another level, perhaps it is not so surprising that the unusual and deadly heat wave that swept Europe in 2003 (that has allegedly caused more than 70,000 deaths) took place under the dominion of Jupiter in Leo (representing the somehow excessive manifestation of the "fiery element", of the "heat").
Clearly therefore, a lot of energy is released globally when Jupiter is "transiting" in Leo. But the question is how to manage all this exuberant energy, because if it is diverted in warfares - like in the periods mentioned above - no creative results can be obtained. Obviously all this "excess energy" is better channeled in activities like sports (which are consistent with the spirit of Leo), in recreational purposes and in "games". Also, with Jupiter in the sign of "spectacles" there will be a "booming" in film industry, fashion and in "spectacles" in general.
However, with Jupiter in Leo some historical peace efforts were made too (such as the famous "Camp David" treaty in 1978 between the Egyptian President Sadat and the Israeli Begin, the nuclear disarmament agreement of 1979 between the U.S. President Carter and the Russian Brezhnev and the historic west/east Germany unification in 1990). Perhaps this unifying trend stems from what I mentioned before as the "esoteric" aspect of Jupiter in Leo.
Ultimately that may be the best gift Jupiter in Leo will bestow upon us: the ability to work "esoterically" with ourselves and find our true inner core, our "center" so that in all purity we follow our hearts!
Thomas Gazis
Friday, 20 June 2014
When Hades reached the top of the firmament (the "dark" 2010 - 2020 decade)!
As you most probably know Hades is the mythical god of the underworld. Therefore Hades (or Pluto) should be normally dwelling under our feet, within the farthest depths of the earth. How would you feel then if I told you that Hades has actually left his gruesome kingdom and is currently residing high above our heads, on the top of the sky and over the very "Zenith of the world"? If I told you that Hades is currently hovering over our heads, invisibly exerting its tight grip on our societies?
Monday, 21 April 2014
The Grand Cardinal Cross of April 2014. Αn historical event!
The crucifixion has been the central theme these days within the christian communities. As we speak though a unique "Cosmic Cross" is ever more precisely formed in our skies - climaxing to the April 22nd perfect (partile) Cross configuration between the planets Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars (all of them being exactly at the 13th degree of the corresponding sign. And it is interesting to know that both the USA's natal Sun and the Russian President's Vladimir Putin Sun stand at the 13th degree of Cancer and Libra respectively)!
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Far-right parties on rise in Europe
The poster you see above apparently is a very convincing one. It is a modern political poster of the French far-right party "Front National". The slogan on it goes: "let's produce French products with French workers" . This is a rather nationalistic slogan that obviously goes against the many millions of foreign (or foreign descent) workers in France! But it seems to have been appealing to the French, because last Sunday it led almost the 20% of them to vote for "Front National"! And although the above poster seems modern, dynamic and "awaking" it is somehow reminiscent of certain posters that are by now 80 years old! I am referring to the 1930's far-right political posters in Europe, of a highly volatile period that ultimately led to the rise of Hitler's fascist party in Germany (Mussolini's in Italy etc.) and to World War II!
In reality, us astrologers we had already compared and correlated the actual period with the 1930's, we had already predicted the rise of far-right parties in the 2010's even whole decades ago! We "knew" about it and we were ready to witness it! But now that is happening under our own eyes it is impressive! There is a resurgence of the far-right parties almost all-over Europe! This is not a new phenomenon. As I said before, it happened again back in the 1930's (in the previous "Uranus - Pluto squaring each other" period - again back then with Uranus in Aries and Pluto in the cardinal sign of Cancer).You see planet Uranus expresses - according to the sign it is in and according to the aspects it receives - the "political trends" of each single period. And now that Uranus receives a heavy square aspect from Pluto (a "dark", irrational, extremist, absolutist planet) far-right parties are rising again all over Europe!
P.S. A meteoric rise of the Greek far-right party "Chrysi Avgi" (Golden Dawn) has occured in the last 3-4 years. On the Greek Parliamentary Elections of the 6th May 2012 the party "Chrysi Avgi" won 7% of the votes (while in the previous 2009 elections it had won just a 0,29%! This means that the "Golden Dawn" party increased its power - in less than 4 years - by a factor of almost 2400%!).
Monday, 5 March 2012
World War II - An astrological "Waterloo" no more!
(by Thomas Gazis)
There is a certain ignominy that casts its shadow over the shoulders of all the modern astrologers, a sort of disgrace that the skeptics are actually taking advantage of. This ignominy has to do with a colossal failing of ours that occurred in the previous century: the astrologers all over the world had blatantly failed to predict the gigantic event of the World War II! French astrologer Andre Barbault - an internationally recognized expert on Mundane Astrology - is explaing the intricacies of this failure in his book "L'Astrologie mondiale":
"Shortly before the war my older brother (an astrologer himself) was running a journal on world events called: "L'Avenir du Monde" ("The Future of the World"). In those times a grim specter was hovering over Europe - especially after the Munich events - and the crucial question on everyone's lips was: can peace be given a chance? "No, the war will not happen" was the reassuring headline of my brother's newspaper, just a few months before the outbreak of World War II - and actually in full agreement with his astrological "intelligentsia" colleagues".
Barbault got utterly disappointed by the blatant failure of the pre-war astrologers to predict world war II! He wrote later on: "what if tomorrow a third world war or a disruption of global proportions were to break? Would we be able this time to predict it? A new forecast fiasco like the WW2 one would ultimately amount to the condemnation of our celestial art!"
The late 1930's astrologers were very knowledgeable about astrology, almost as knowledgeable as we are! Just think the fact that they were including Pluto in their charts, they knew how to spot the major planetary formations and they were taking seriously in consideration the various Ingresses and Eclipses. Why they failed then so miserably?
Let's see the data they had in their disposition. First of all, in the very year the great war broke (1939) no major stellium was formed upon the sky - nor any major configuration between the outer planets. Let's study then the Vernal Ingress chart that preceded the war. You can see it below:
With the Moon being in the bellicose sign of Aries and both Sun and Moon in the Eighth House - receiving a square aspect from Mars - and with Pluto sitting right on the Ascendant this Ingress chart is fraught with war energies! I am wondering how the 1930's European astrologers missed to see that!
Let's study now the Solar Eclipse that preceded the outbreak of the World War II. You can see its chart below. Surprisingly, the Sun and the Moon are found again in the bellicose sign of Aries, receiving an almost partile square aspect from the culminating Pluto (not to mention the fact that Saturn is conjuncting the Luminaries)!
In both these charts there is a "war odour" which the astrologers of the time apparently did not pick up. In hindsight, it's easy to criticize the astrologers of the 1930's for this blatant failure of theirs but if we would put ourselves in their shoes we would extenuate them a lot. In human history there have been many difficult Ingresses and Eclipses and most of them did not entail an event of epic proportions (likeWorld War II). Back in the late 1930's there was no major planetary configuration on the sky heralding an imminent war. In addition, planet Pluto had been discovered just 9 years before, so they didn't have a good understanding of it - as we don't have today a good understanding of the dwarf planet Sedna, which was discovered in 2003 (we just know that Sedna is an ultra-remote and "exotic" object, with an eccentric orbit that looks like a stuffed cigar).
The newly found "dwarf planets" (or "Kuiper Belt Objects" or "planetoids" as I prefer to call them) are actually constituting our new advanced astrological "tools" and they are making the difference (the 1930's astrologers totally ignored them)! If you consider these planetoids as some sort of minor "asteroids" then you should think twice. Planetoid Eris is bigger than planetoid Pluto and if you consider Pluto significant in astrology then you have to consider Eris equally significant! And you should consider significant too the second biggest planetoid: Sedna!
Although it's very early to decipher the astrological properties of these newfound planetoids, we may try to extrapolate some of them out of the "synchronicity" of their name and out of the "zeitgeist" (the "spirit") of the period of their discovery. If you think about it, Eris has a lot to do with war as it is the goddess of discord and strife (in Greek mythology it was Eris that threw the golden apple and indirectly caused the Trojan war). Sedna on the other hand is the most "exotic" and remote planetoid of our (wider) solar system. Its orbit actually looks like a stuffed cigar, with our entire solar system comprised in that cigar's burning edge! The "snuffing edge" of that cigar-shaped orbit extends incredibly far away - till the so called Oort cloud, a "bubble" of unimaginable dimensions that surrounds our solar system. In the Oort cloud the kingdom of the Sun ends (we have discovered there the so called "héliopause") while beyond that "cloud" there is nothing else but the galactic space. So Sedna constitutes a sort of "cosmic link" that interconnects the more tangible reality of our Solar System with the transcendental oddity of the external galactic space, with the deepest mysteries of our universe! Thus I consider Sedna's energies ultra- undifferentiated, universal and fatal - much more than Pluto's energies are!
Let's travel now with our imagination back in the 1930's. We are some French astrologers experiencing the aftermath of the 1931 Saturn - Uranus - Pluto T-Square (in hindsight, we can tell now that Sedna was pivotal in that formation, as it was conjuncting Uranus and squaring Pluto and Saturn).We would feel that something was going terribly wrong with Germany and we would try to figure out astrologically if there would be a new Great War. We would ask ourselves: when do wars break out according to the astrological theory? During major inharmonic planetary configurations of course but chiefly when the sign of Aries is over-activated. So, we would look ahead and we would see no over-activation of the sign of Aries in the 1930's - 1940's. On the contrary, we would notice an over-activation of the peaceful sign of Taurus in the beginning of the 1940's! Thus, our conclusion would be that no war would occur in the 1930's or in the beginning of the 1940's!
Let's change our script a little bit. What about being French astrologers of the 1930's knowing about Eris and Sedna? That knowledge would radically change our perspective. Both Eris and Sedna orbit the Sun in a very long time periods (Eris in 557 years and Sedna in a staggering 11.400 years!). During the whole period of World War II both Eris and Sedna were in the sign of Aries! That's a unique event that occurs only once every many thousands of years (last time i.e. that Sedna was in the sign of Aries the mammoths were roaming over an ice-covered Europe. Not to mention that rarely both Sedna and Eris are simultaneously found in the sign of Aries)! Thus, this must be considered an event of epic proportions!
How much of a coincidence is the fact that the bloodiest and most violent War in human history (that unleashed tremendous energies and caused an alleged number of 70.000.000 casualties) occurred when both Eris and Sedna were in the sign of Aries? And on the other hand, how can such a war break out with just an outer planet in the sign of Aries (Jupiter)? It makes no sense at all. The World War II had a distinctive Aries trait (Germany is traditionally an Aries country and even its "Blitzkrieg" (the "lighting-war" that the Germans introduced in WW2 for the first time ever in world history) is a typically Arietid product. All this makes sense only if we take in consideration Eris and Sedna! In such a case, an entire stellium is formed in Aries on the very moment of the German invasion in Poland (1st of September 1939) that traditionally signals the breaking of World War II:
We can clearly see now a whole array of planets-planetoids in the bellicose sign of Aries (with three of them falling in the bellicose - as well - Eight House). Eris is conjuncted by the Moon and Jupiter while Sedna receives a square aspect from Mars. This is by all means a major war outbreak chart!
And since we have in our hands these new wonderful “tools” (Eris and Sedna) why we don’t apply them to the 1939 pre-war Vernal Ingress chart so as to see what kind of clues will come out this time.
Well, you can see above how much ominous this Ingress chart becomes! Eris is conjuncting both the Luminaries and squaring Mars! That’s a pretty “shady” element on its own (if you think that Eris instigates strife)! Additionally, Sedna is tightly conjunct by Saturn - unleashing its harsh energies over the social and political reality of the time! This Vernal Ingress chart might easily be considered a war harbinger (notice how much the very first degrees of Aries are emphasized in it, as in the case of the chart erected for the German invasion to Poland. The Moon is in both charts in the sign of Aries - almost in the same degree)! If the astrologers of the 1930's had in their disposition the "tools" of Eris and Sedna they would have realized the fact that the 1939 Vernal Ingress chart was a war precursor!
Even World War I can be more clearly understood if we consider the fact that Sedna already was back then in Aries, while at the same time Pluto was forming a square aspect to Eris (actually during the critical years 1914 - 1916 Pluto was forming a broader square aspect to both Eris and Sedna. That was quite unusual and certainly must have bore certain implications on world history that we should pinpoint)!
I have personally re-examined tens and tens of major events in world history and I can assure you that we rarely encounter a chart of some historical significance with none of these two planetoids pivotally participating in it! I am even amazed by the fact of how much accurate are the aspects that Eris and Sedna are forming in each separate case! Beyond any doubt, their discovery is monumental; it is a Columbus kind of discovery for astrology! Eris and Sedna are the new kids on the planetary block. Us astrologers we should call them planets and not planetoids (we are already calling Pluto a planet and we are not regretting it at all). Since the energies of Eris and Sedna are distinctively “collective” and “universal” it is more than obvious that these two planets will enormously enrich Mundane Astrology in the years to come!
I believe that the newly found planetoids - planets have considerably expanded our consciousness and opened us brand new horizons! They are offering us unique new tools, with which we can now improve and enhance - like never before - our interpretative and predictive techniques!
Thomas Gazis
P.S. You can read here some speculation of mine on the properties of Eris.
This is a Thomas Gazis original article
Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Jupiter and Uranus conjunct at the end of the zodiac: a confused, decaying world!
The zodiac represents a cyclical process (which on a higher level is actually spiral). It has a specific "Begining" (the zero Aries "gama" point) and a specific "End" (the last degrees of Pisces). We are actually experiencing a particular astrological phenomenon now. The two planets mostly associated in astrology with the world of ideas, with liberty, with the expansion of the human consciousness and awareness (Jupiter and Uranus) are both transiting now in the last degrees of Pisces (the very last degrees of the Zodiac, that is). Thus, these 2 planets - forming a conjunction - are actually closing now a major historical cycle and are heralding an important message, which we should try to understand.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Capricornian Greece: 1 out of 4 is a civil servant!
Modern Greece is a Capricornian country (please see my relative article here). A Capricornian country should have a typically rigid and overgrown - "Kafka" type - public sector. And indeed Greece has one. Out of a population of 11.000.000 an estimated 1.250.000 are civil servants! If we compare this number to the number of civil servants in some major European countries - like i.e. France, where out of 65.000.000 inhabitants only 1.680.000 are civil servants - then we will realise how over-inflated is the public sector in Greece.