Showing posts with label Pluto retrograde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto retrograde. Show all posts

Monday 2 September 2024

Pluto has returned to Capricorn!

The ultra-collective and somehow "fatal" planet Pluto exited today (Monday September 2nd at 3:17 AM, Eastern European time) the sign of Aquarius and returned to that of Capricorn! This is a major planetary shift! Each zodiacal "transition" of Pluto is considered extremely important. You see, this planet is considered the most "collective" of them all and exerts a huge influence on the masses and our societies in general. Hence, any change in Pluto's course affects our earthly affairs greatly.

As you most probably know, the planets operate more "externally" when they are in direct motion. When they become retrograde, though, they work more "internally", manifesting their energies in more subtle ways! In addition, a planetary retrogradation might bring back events from the recent past that have to be relived! And since Pluto is retrograde now, we may experience similar events as in the recent past. This time, though, we will have to experience these events more "internally", in order to "feel" them more deeply and fully assimilate their message.

With the return, now, of Pluto in Capricorn some supplementary phenomena are created. First of all, a super harmonic pattern is formed between ALL THREE "outer","transcendent" planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). That pattern has been around for a while but it will be now formed more precisely! As you may see above, at the apex of the blue colored trine lies planet Neptune, which forms harmonious Sextile aspects to both Uranus and Pluto! And even more interestingly, Uranus forms an extremely harmonious Trine aspect to Pluto!

This particular harmonic pattern foreshadows in a way the great "Harmonic Convergence" that will dominate the celestial dome in the six years period 2025 - 2030. The three "transcendental" planets will be forming again then a similar harmonic pattern, but this time having passed into new, "masculine" signs (Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius). A lot of astrologers predict a global "Renaissance" in this second half of the 2020's.

However, we are now experiencing the impact of this particular Trine in "feminine" signs. And not only that, but the "universal" planets are all located now at the end of the respective signs. In fact, Pluto and Neptune are in the last, "anaeretic" as it is called, thirtieth degree of the signs of Capricorn and of Pisces, respectively!

It is no coincidence that many people are now experiencing the feeling of "the world is coming to an end"! The world is not coming to an end but an old cycle of things for mankind is undoubtedly ending - so that a new one can open!

Thomas Gazis