As we are going through a critical period worldwide (and the unsettling Uranus, Pluto, Saturn T - Square lies right in front of our doors), I would like to share with you a post I read on a Portuguese astrologer's (Ana Cristina Correa Mendes) blog. She is a Scorpio so definitely she knows something about harsh times and crises. Plus, the way she writes has got "soul" in it. Her blog is in Portuguese (the photo is from her blog).

In times like the ones the world is facing now there is the risk of being swamped by the collective panic and hysteria, of being devastated by the sheer magnitude of the personal and collective crises around us! A huge individual crisis might be triggered in us thrusting us - like an avalanche - into questioning our selves, our actions, our life perspectives and goals, our very existence. Actually this is a natural life process and everyone should deal with it sometime in his/her life.
The number of people facing nowadays - or anticipating - a profound life change is ever growing! Just watch the people around you: they seem to be in a state of confusion, bewilderment, panic, revolt. There are cases where even plans B and C do not seem to lead anywhere. Facing an unyielding dead end, this is the moment to turn to our eternal reserves, to those assets and values which nobody can ever confiscate from us. I’m referring to the values of having faith in us, having a high self-esteem - which as we learn from astrology is a Second House matter. In our modern Era the money power has been used to substitute all other human values - our feelings included. Now, that we are witnessing the monetary systems' colossal collapse we’re forced to discern first and then turn to the true values of life!
We usually read in books and magazines - or we have been told - that if we believe enough then we will attract what we desire! Thus all we have to do is believe and consequently act as if we already have our desired object or goal. It seems a rather easy thing to do, but probably it is one of the hardest; to BELIEVE, mainly because we have to believe in us, to believe that we deserve, that we are capable of making our dreams come true! This is the time for many of us to use our individual resources and proceed to a radical transformation of the way we see things. We have nothing to loose, so why not take the risk and believe that the path in front of us will be far better than the one we are leaving behind?
(original author: Ana Cristina Correa Mendes
translated by: Thomas Gazis)

In times like the ones the world is facing now there is the risk of being swamped by the collective panic and hysteria, of being devastated by the sheer magnitude of the personal and collective crises around us! A huge individual crisis might be triggered in us thrusting us - like an avalanche - into questioning our selves, our actions, our life perspectives and goals, our very existence. Actually this is a natural life process and everyone should deal with it sometime in his/her life.
The number of people facing nowadays - or anticipating - a profound life change is ever growing! Just watch the people around you: they seem to be in a state of confusion, bewilderment, panic, revolt. There are cases where even plans B and C do not seem to lead anywhere. Facing an unyielding dead end, this is the moment to turn to our eternal reserves, to those assets and values which nobody can ever confiscate from us. I’m referring to the values of having faith in us, having a high self-esteem - which as we learn from astrology is a Second House matter. In our modern Era the money power has been used to substitute all other human values - our feelings included. Now, that we are witnessing the monetary systems' colossal collapse we’re forced to discern first and then turn to the true values of life!
We usually read in books and magazines - or we have been told - that if we believe enough then we will attract what we desire! Thus all we have to do is believe and consequently act as if we already have our desired object or goal. It seems a rather easy thing to do, but probably it is one of the hardest; to BELIEVE, mainly because we have to believe in us, to believe that we deserve, that we are capable of making our dreams come true! This is the time for many of us to use our individual resources and proceed to a radical transformation of the way we see things. We have nothing to loose, so why not take the risk and believe that the path in front of us will be far better than the one we are leaving behind?
(original author: Ana Cristina Correa Mendes
translated by: Thomas Gazis)