One of the best International Astrology Conferences I ever attended was the
"Astromykonos 2000"! This conference took place on the famous Greek island of Mykonos, on the weekend of 9th to 11th June 2000!
Actually, I was the guy that organized this conference. Don't get me wrong though here! I am not an organizer of conferences, it was entirely an amateur's effort. Some things didn't go as good as they could... In addition, there was another colleague (Grazia Mirti) who took care of the Italian delegation.
Speaking in all honesty,
the "Astro-Mykonos 2000" was a magical conference! Be it for the particular vibrations of the island of Mykonos, be it for the great astrologers that were present there, for the wonderful hotel complex we were residing in, there was indeed something "magic" in the air, within the conference halls, the roof gardens, the beaches, magic as we were strolling the alleys of the cosmopolitan town of Mykonos, casually talking as if we were old friends - although we had just met each other!
As I am an Astrologer and not a professional organizer of conferences, I wouldn't have succeeded with "Astromykonos 2000" unless I had the full support of a benefactor of Greek Astrology (and excellent Astrologer on his/her own) who prefers to stay anonymous. I had already a long experience on Astrology Conferences as I had attended many in Europe - some of them as a speaker. Thus it came to my mind that it would be a unique experience for the speakers and the public alike
to combine good astrology and some great summer vacations and organize an international conference on the paradisaical island of Mykonos!
Serendipity favored us, because the island of Mykonos had just acquired back then its first ever huge (500 attendees) lecture hall, at a recently inaugurated (beautiful) hotel complex. There, between the 9th and the 11th of June 2000, the historical "Astromykonos 2000" took place. Three wonderful days, where one moment you were attending a fascinating lecture by a foremost astrologer and just a few moments ahead you were swimming in an exotic, crystalline sea!
Robert Hand's lecture in "Astromykonos 2000")
As our main speaker I invited the internationally recognized foremost astrologer
Robert Hand! Rob gave us a profound lecture on the Aristotelian concept of
"eidos" (form - species) and on the various ways the
"eidos" unfolds itself in Astrology. Additionally, twenty four Astrologers from Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy and France - some of which you can see in the photo below - presented us a variety of interesting and in many cases original lectures (always in accordance to the main theme of the conference, which was
"Astrology: the cultural kernel of the new, third millennium").
left: Elia Ramos, Maurice Charvet, Maro Ioannidou, Emilio Pelaez,
Ernesto Cordero, Thomas Gazis (on his knees), Yves Lenoble, Dante
Valente, Grazia Mirti
Thomas Gazis - Robert Hand - Maro Ioannidou |
In the so called "parallel events" of the conference the French, Italian and Spanish Astrologers (you may seem them on the photo above) examined the eventuality of consolidating a Southern - European Astrological Federation (expanding on an idea that me personally and Ernesto Cordero had initially put forth)! You can see Yves Lenoble (left, with the yellow shirt), Marta Capdevila, Emilio Pelaez (the bearded guy), Maurice Charvet (green shirt), Ernesto Cordero (wearing a waistcoat) while down on the left the head of the President of the Italian Astrological Federation (CIDA) Dante Valente is poking out.
Due to the high level of the invited speakers and to the quality of their lectures, "Astromykonos 2000" is considered the top Astrology Conference ever held in today's Greece!
Thomas Gazis