Showing posts with label Philosophy of Astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy of Astrology. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 October 2016

The 13 signs controversy is actually discrediting the astronomers (not the astrologers)!

The "12 signs" Zodiac as a "magnetic belt" around the Earth

There is something annoying about the "13 Signs" issue, which keeps popping up every now and then in the mainstream media. You see, over the last 25 years, I have been publishing articles that explain how the zodiacal signs are actually twelve and how they cannot be thirteen (or 14, 19, 27 or any other number, for that matter). I've now come to the conclusion that all of my attempts to explain have been futile because ever since the 13 Signs issue resurfaced recently (and made headlines for the umpteenth time) people all around me are rather acrimoniously asking me about it. 

At first, I figured it would be best to ignore this problem in hopes that it will ultimately fizzle out - as it has in the past. However, it appears that this time things are different. Astrology is taking a "double whammy" hit that is mostly the result of misinformation, and it is essential for us, the true (cultured) astrologers, to step in!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

The astrological implications of lifting planet Pluto’s veil!

A monumental astronomical/ astrological event is going to occur in just a few months time! An event oddly coinciding with the Pluto’s “taking over” of the “World Zenith” (you may read about it here) and with the end of the Uranus - Pluto “seven fold” cosmic dance. I am talking about the first encounter ever of planet Pluto with a human artifact: the “New Horizons” space probe which was launched back in 2006 – destined to Pluto and beyond!

By now “New Horizons” is so close to Pluto that we are about to resolve this mysterious planet’s surface features - through the probe’s telescope! You see, living up to its namesake god’s reputation, Pluto has kept  its face strictly hidden from us till now (even with our strongest telescope we could just get a blurred image of it - of just a few pixels)! But all this is going to change and for the first time ever we are going to disclose the “awful face” of the god of the underworld!