(I wrote about this a couple of years ago, in some Facebook mundane astrology groups. In light of the upcoming Presidential Inauguration, I believe it is pertinent to publish the relevant content here as well.)
The Presidential Inauguration ceremonies appear to be purposefully tailored (possibly by freemasons) so that the President of the USA gets sworn in at about the time the Aquarius Sun (in the first degree of the sign) is culminating in the sky! We understand the cosmic and esoteric significance of such an event: the President of the USA is beginning his term of office with the Aquarian Sun above his head and in close proximity to the Inaugurtion's MC! So far, so good! This time though a quite different cosmic energy will permeate the relative ceremony, on the 20th of January 2025!
If the title of this blog came as a surprise to you, then you should know that true astrology is actually scientific! What is not scientific is the popular, predictions orientated astrology you probably are familiar with!
Saturday, 9 November 2024
The 2025 "Plutonian" Presidential Inauguration!
Sunday, 3 November 2024
2026 - 2030: Humanity's Golden Era (according to Andre Barbault)!
Tuesday, 29 October 2024
The astrology of Doppelgangers!
Astrology moves in mysterious ways! Let's examine the case of the so called "doppelgängers". Two people that look alike should typically have nearly identical "big threes" (possibly, the same Sun sign, Moon sign, and Ascendant's sign). Well, not exactly.
Above you may see the man who is the "father" of "Ferrari", the revered luxurious car (on the left) and the German-turkish football player Mesut Ozil (on the right). I think they qualify as genuine doppelgangers (although born almost a whole century apart).
Sunday, 27 October 2024
The Synastry of Kamala Harris with her husband Douglas Emhoff!
The current vice - President and her husband were born barely seven days apart (Douglas on the 13th and Kamala on the 20th of October 1964)!
This means that all their external planets - from Mars outwards - are forming a Conjunction aspect among them. We are talking here of six whole planets (Mars to Pluto) exchanging powerful energies through their Conjunctions and somehow boosting each other! This creates a strong feeling of "backbone commonality" between the two, similar to what classmates born in the same year experience.
Saturday, 19 October 2024
The Synastry of Elon Musk and his dynamic transgender daughter Vivian!
(Although this case made headlines in 2022, I believe it is still relevant now.)
If you are experiencing financial burdens then the idea that even billionaires have their own issues may provide you some comfort! I refer to Elon Musk, who has a somewhat tumultuous relationship with his transgender daughter Vivian Wislon. Vivian became a lady by transitioning in 2022 and she also dropped her surname (Musk) in favor of her maternal surname (Wilson) - while she stated that she no longer wishes to be related to her father "in any way!"
Elon is a Cancer Sun sign and Vivian is an Aries Sun sign. As you know, the signs of Aries and Cancer are considered highly discordant. So we are having here a father and child who find it hard to comprehend each other's personality! And things are getting even harder if we take in consideration the fact that Vivian's Sun is forming a (wide) Square aspect with Elon's Ascendant and Mercury in Cancer! So, we are already having a major discordance there!
Monday, 2 September 2024
Pluto has returned to Capricorn!
The ultra-collective and somehow "fatal" planet Pluto exited today (Monday September 2nd at 3:17 AM, Eastern European time) the sign of Aquarius and returned to that of Capricorn! This is a major planetary shift! Each zodiacal "transition" of Pluto is considered extremely important. You see, this planet is considered the most "collective" of them all and exerts a huge influence on the masses and our societies in general. Hence, any change in Pluto's course affects our earthly affairs greatly.
As you most probably know, the planets operate more "externally" when they are in direct motion. When they become retrograde, though, they work more "internally", manifesting their energies in more subtle ways! In addition, a planetary retrogradation might bring back events from the recent past that have to be relived! And since Pluto is retrograde now, we may experience similar events as in the recent past. This time, though, we will have to experience these events more "internally", in order to "feel" them more deeply and fully assimilate their message.
Sunday, 14 July 2024
Trump's assassination attempt (is Algol important?)
The news of the assassination attempt against the US presidential candidate Donald Trump dominates all over the media today. Although it would have been more valuable if someone had predicted this particular event BEFORE it happened, we see that there are indeed strong astrological indications now in Trump's chart of a possible attempt against him!
The main clue seems to come from the extremely flammable and explosive Mars-Uranus Conjunction that is taking places these days (and which "mathematically" peaks on July 15th)! This Conjunction is "falling" right on Trump's MC (in one of the most vitalt points of a birth chart! Our MC is closely related to the overall "structure" of ourselves, to our wider professional/social interactions and with our public image!)
Monday, 22 April 2024
The importance of getting along with our own selves (Second House)!
As the old adage goes, you can't love other people unless you love yourself first. However, there is a problem there, since most people don't seem to get along with themselves! That comes as a bit of a surprise, considering that people in general are quite egocentric and are thus supposed to take the very best care of themselves. But, as if they were plagued by some mysterious virus, they don't! On the contrary, they often are at war with themselves, acting in a self-loathing and destructive manner.
Thursday, 18 April 2024
The better the astrologer, the less deterministic the predictions s/he makes!
I think all of us who practice astrology have gone through this phase: to interpret astrological data in a rather rigid, "deterministic" manner. Studying i.e. a chart and concluding that because the person has such and such planetary positions (aspects, domifications etc.) then s/he unquestionably has such and such traits in his/her character, while a specific set of events will befall him/her in the near (or distant) future!
Saturday, 6 April 2024
(How to orientate ourselves in this cataclysmic chaos!)
Join this Ev Zervoudakis and Thomas Gazis free online event, on the very day of the notorious 8th April Eclipse!
We are in the most disruptive times in modern history. We just had a big earthquake a few miles away from NYC, the people are unsettled, the news may not be what it appears to be, hatred and corruption are escalating, and the bottom line is doom and gloom everywhere. The economy is tanking around the world. The disappearance of logic and truth.
Friday, 22 December 2023
An astrological perspective on a possible Civil War in the United States
As you may know, the so-called transcendental planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) play a major part in Mundane Astrology. Every single variation of theirs, every new aspect they form, and notably their eventual sign shift, may provide us with crucial information about humanity's future course.
There is, however, another important but lesser-known feature of the transcendental planets: the "resonance" of their orbits. I've been researching that feature for some years now and I firmly believe it's a quite useful element in the "mundane astrology" toolkit.
Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Pluto in Aquarius: the dictatorship of the "commonness" and of the "abnormal" (and your money do not belong to you)!
The majority of astrologers considers Pluto's upcoming entrance into the sign of Aquarius as a "positive thing". Probably because they tend to link Aquarius with an impending "golden age"! As a result, they mostly make optimistic predictions like "a new brighter era will dawn," "the common people will rebel against their autocratic rulers" and so on.
What those astrologers overlook is the fact that the "Pluto in Aquarius" "equation" has two coefficients: Aquarius AND Pluto! So, on the one hand Pluto is (somehow) "activating" the sign of Aquarius alright, but on the other hand it is simultaneously attempting to impose its "tenebrious vibrations" on the sign of Aquarius! That's crucial and unless we take that aspect into consideration, we will not be able to interpret Pluto in Aquarius correctly.
Saturday, 5 November 2022
The eminent Byzantine astrologer John Abramius
Byzantine astrology is rather unknown among the general public. In fact, many people might be surprised to find out that Byzantine astrology even existed. It did, though, and it was marvelous!
Byzantium was somehow a continuation of the Hellenistic world, so
astrology was a natural part of its tradition. Additionally, the Byzantines
were geographically close to the Persians and Arabs - who themselves had
adopted and developed the Hellenistic astrology. Consequently,
Byzantium became a particularly fertile ground for the dissemination of
astrological ideas, at the time.
Monday, 1 August 2022
The Mars- Uranus - North Node conjunction in Taurus (Empires crumbling down)!
In just a few hours we are going to experience the major event of this month, August 2022 (and one of the major events of the entire 2022): the Mars - Uranus - North Node partile Conjunction, at the 19th degree of Taurus!
I did a little research, in order to find out when this specific conjunction was repeated again in the past 3400 years - combined with the presence of Saturn in Aquarius. Only two dates came out: February 9th, 156 BCE and the period around June 1520 (when Mars, Uranus and the North Node were in Taurus alright, but not in a partile configuration). That's quite remarkable! The Mars - Uranus - North Node conjunction in Taurus (alongwith Saturn in Aquarius) has re-occurred just twice, in the last 3400 years!
Thursday, 21 April 2022
Our "airplane" (the "West") is nosediving - but we think we are flying fine!
Throughout history, the empires seem to be ever shifting from East to the West! Starting with what we consider the oldest known empires, the Mesopotamian and Egyptian ones, the "world hegemony" was consequently taken over by the Hellenistic Empire, by the Roman Empire, by the Frankish one and - later on - by the Spanish and the English empires! Then, the center of power shifted further westwards and USA became the strongest world empire! And apparently the time has come for the "world hegemony" to shift even further westwards, to China!
Such discussions are often held on the internet. But most of us are treating them as if they concerned some distant future event. Few people realize that this "changing of hegemony" process is happening right now, right in front of our own eyes!
Sunday, 3 April 2022
The 500 years mega-resonance planetary cycle (and the irrevocable degradation of Europe)!
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"Europe" by Justus van Egmont |
I was watching the other day a video of a brilliant Greek geopolitical analyst (Constantine Grivas) who was positing that the current war in Ukraine is signalling - among other things - the definite ending of the 500 years European dominance over the world! Plus, it is signalling the irrevocable transformation of Europe into a "vassal continent", on the periphery of the new geopolitical protagonists of the world!
Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Crimea 1853 vs. Ukraine/Crimea 2021: will history repeat itself?
Chances are you have never heard of the 1853 Crimea war. But out of some odd circumstances you might soon start watching on your TV/PC screen the brand new Crimea (and Ukraine) 2021 war, which most probably will be eerily similar to the 1853 one! Almost the same military powers will be involved in it! Russia from the one side and on the other side Turkey, alongwith the NATO alliance (comprising USA, UK and to some extent France).
If you do the math, you will realize that there are exactly 168 years seperating 2021 from 1853! But this number of years is significant to both astronomy and astrology! You see, it takes exactly 168 years for the planet Uranus to orbit twice the Sun (and thus, to cross twice the zodiac)! Plus, it takes almost 168 years (165 in reality) for Neptune to orbit the Sun and to cross once the zodiac!
Sunday, 19 July 2020
Usa is ever more plugging into a sort of collective psychosis abyss!
(Disclaimer: I'm a Greek citizen and I am not voting for Trump. I find quite unusual and interesting though (astrologically, psychologically, semiotically) the phenomenon of the over-demonization of the current American President. I have attended psychology courses in the University but I am not an actual psychologist).
Thousands of Americans are posting each day remarks condemning the current President, Donald Trump. And, with so many people incessantly engaging in this "demonization ritual", they are only adding to it! The demonization has escalated by now to an insane "Middle Ages" - "Witch hunt" level. We are ultimately witnessing here the emergence of what Eckhart Tolle termed as a "destructive unconscious hive-mind" (when people are relentlessly demonizing a specific individual or group of people).
Saturday, 14 March 2020
Our cities/societies are getting ever weirder and deadlier! (Coronavirus & "Capricorn Climax")
Our entire planet is living now some unprecedented and even nightmarish situations, with this deadly coronavirus pandemic that has stormed upon us! Most of us are experiencing situations that no human (except for the few aware epidemiologists and Astrologers) would ever expect to live! Especially in the western world, no generation before us has lived something like this (except of course the two world wars - which did not cause the collapse of societies in the Americas). And if we put aside the so-called "Spanish Flu" (which more or less coincided with World War I), the "movie" that is playing now before our very eyes has not been played for thousands of years (the 1347 CE "black death" had not affected, again, the American continent, Australia, etc.)!
Although humankind is technologically advanced by now, it has proved to be rather "flimsy" in front of the coronavirus threat - and so far unable to produce a drug that can neutralize it! The only countermeasure (prevention - not treatment) left to us is to stay indoors (as if we were doomed to "home restriction")! If we kept congregating in public spaces, in crowded halls, stadiums, cafes, gyms, cinemas, public means of transport, etc. then we would be mourning an exponential number of victims!
Tuesday, 7 January 2020
The economic and demographic plundering of Greece (astrological predictions 2020)!
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background image: Sven Erik Golden "Jewels of Light" |
Ten years ago, Greece was making headlines all over the world! You most probably remember why. For the first time ever, a European Union country was facing a sovereign debt crisis and there was a tangible risk of it going totally bankrupt! Not only that but (due to the so-called domino effect) the economies of many other countries in Europe (and even worldwide) seemed to be at risk because of the very Greek debt crisis!
That was quite odd! How could a minuscule economy like the Greek one affect the gigantic markets of our planet? How could Greece be responsible for the overall course of the international economy? I had the feeling that something was amiss there. Thus, I resorted to astrology in order to better grasp what was going on.