Saturday 19 October 2024

The Synastry of Elon Musk and his dynamic transgender daughter Vivian!

(Although this case made headlines in 2022, I believe it is still relevant now.)

If you are experiencing financial burdens then the idea that even billionaires have their own issues may provide you some comfort! I refer to Elon Musk, who has a somewhat tumultuous relationship with his transgender daughter Vivian Wislon. Vivian became a lady by transitioning in 2022 and she also dropped her surname (Musk) in favor of her maternal surname (Wilson) - while she stated that she no longer wishes to be related to her father "in any way!"

Elon is a Cancer Sun sign and Vivian is an Aries Sun sign. As you know, the signs of Aries and Cancer are considered highly discordant. So we are having here a father and child who find it hard to comprehend each other's personality! And things are getting even harder if we take in consideration the fact that Vivian's Sun is forming an almost perfect Square aspect with Elon's Ascendant in Cancer! So, we are already having a major discordance there!

Let's add now the fact that Vivian's Saturn is forming a tight Conjunction with Elon's Sun! That Conjunction has been of paramount importance in their relationship! It is capable of causing rigidity, frigidity and alienation between father and child, with the child becoming some times too critical and judgemental versus their father!

Another element that I personally consider important in the eventual hostility between a parent and a child is the Eighth House. In fact, Vivian's Moon - Uranus Conjunction is synastrically "falling" here in Elon's Eighth House! The Eighth House is capable of generating tremendous hostility! The kind of hostility that usually surfaces between two people who used to love each other and are now on the brink of divorcing!

Don't get me wrong though, the Eighth House might work fine in a relationship of erotic nature! It normally generates huge amounts of sexual energy and it is capable of profoundly binding the members of an erotic relationship. In a parent's - child's relationship though it might come as a major problem, as the passionate energies of the Eighth House (its poweful sexual energy i.e.) cannot be easily "accomodated" or "sublimated"and thus may cause a tense standoff between a parent and child!

Of course, there are other interesting configurations in their Synastry but the above three seem to be the more interesting to me.

Thomas Gazis

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