Wednesday 10 December 2008

Explaining astrologically the unrest and the riots in Greece

(Photo: Reuter press)

Why are we experiencing lately such a turmoil in Greece? Are there any astrological indications that could shed some light on this unusual situation?

First of all, we have to consider Greece's natal chart. Modern Greece was actually "born" on the 13th of January 1822 (NS) (you can read my relative article "Modern Greece's national horoscope" here).

Thus, modern Greece is under Capricorn's influence. Furthermore, in Greece's natal chart the first degrees of the cardinal signs are over-emphasized: the country's Moon is - most probably - located in the very first degree of Libra, while its Uranus and Neptune are forming a conjunction in the first degrees of Capricorn.

Pluto is the name of the game in Greece's case (with Uranus becoming an ever more major player too). Pluto represents the "dark", "hidden", financial, corporate and even "mafia" kind of forces. This mysterious planet (god of the underworld and ruler of the sign of Scorpio) entered definitely in Capricorn just a couple of weeks ago (after its retrogression in Sagittarius). And as soon as Pluto entered Capricorn it triggered - contemporaneously - several explosive planetary configurations in Greece's national horoscope:

1) Being a Capricornian country, Greece is all along affected by Pluto's entrance in Capricorn (by the "same sign" reason - although Pluto is not conjuncting yet by orb Greece's natal Sun).

2) Pluto is actually conjuncting Greece's natal planets Uranus and Neptune, in the very first degrees of Capricorn. This is a very "volatile mixture" as planet Pluto is related to absolute power and often to totalitarianism while planet Uranus is related to major social upheaval and revolution.

3) Pluto is now squaring Greece's natal Moon in the very first degrees of Libra. A "tough" aspect between transiting Pluto and one of the "Luminaries" (the Moon in this case) is considered a major aspect capable of producing extreme events! In "Mundane Astrology" the Moon expresses the people, the masses (and Pluto extreme or even "dark", behind the scenes forces). So, the people in Greece will suffer out of some kind of oppression, of a probable titanic financial crisis and unfair measures that will be imposed upon them.

4) Pluto is squaring Greece's natal Pluto (releasing once again extreme energies, destructive - regenerating ones).

These four harsh aspects are the main astrological "culprits" of the actual unrest in Greece. And there is still to come, as Saturn and Uranus will reach critical points in Greece's natal chart in the next couple of years. Never in its modern history Greece has had such a massive extreme, "off balance" planetary influences!

Personally, I was aware of this unique array of planetary transits in Greece's horoscope years ago. I had published my concern in Greek magazines and on the internet and I was speculating on the form of the (extreme) events that would occur in this country around 2008-2013. I knew that "destiny" would somehow knock Greece's door on this specific period. Because - without doubt - the recent turmoil is just a small prelude. Greece is going now through a huge radical METAMORPHOSIS (and how appropriate this greek word is)! The thing is that metamorphoses of countries never occur in placid and pacific ways. Thus, my prediction is that Greece will go through extreme events in the upcoming years and either it will radically regenerate or somehow perish...!

Thomas Gazis

Astrologer invited to lecture in a Spanish Medical Faculty!

Last Friday 5th of December should be considered an historical date for all of us. Astrology re-echoed again in a prestigious University hall, after four centuries of total absence there. It happened in Spain, in the Medical Faculty of the Saragossa University.

The famous neurosurgeon Dr. Vicente Calatayud Maldonado, head of the Saragossa's University Medicical Faculty, organised a special class in order to make his students better understand the subject "Brain". Professor Maldonado invited several doctors and other professionals to speak on the subject and to the surprise of many he invited too the Spanish astrologer and clinical hypnotist Carlos Bogdavich.

Bogdavich conducted a class entitled "Brain and Astrology". In it, besides speaking on the origins of astrology, on the difference between magia and Logos, on the various historical and modern researches, Bogdanich explained to its numerous audience the array of possibilities that Medical Astrology offers to a doctor, the precious tools it is actually providing him/her. He explained the cause - effect principle by which the astrologers interpret a chart, the Macrocosm - Microcosm correspondence and finally the concept of Time, as dealt by Astrologers.

The impact of this Bogdavich University class (which lasted 2 whole hours) was unique! In the end of the lecture many ex sceptics approached him and confessed him that they were now viewing astrology under a totally new perspective! The authorities of the Univesity solicited Bogdavich to take over some new classes for the coming year, while they included his Astrology lecture in the official medical faculty tome!

The gates of the Universities are finally opening again, in order to listen to the ever meaningful voice of the vast and so advanced Astrological Knowledge!

P.S. The source of these post is a Bogdavich letter to the "Astrocuantica" Spanish astrology list.


If the title of this blog came as a surprise to you, then you should know that true astrology is scientific! What actually is not scientific is the popular, predictions orientated astrology that people see everyday in magazines, tv channells, etc. Here you will find the true stuff instead, serious, pure, scientific Astrology, quality Astrology articles, interesting news, research e.t.c.