Sunday, 19 July 2020

Usa is ever more plugging into a sort of collective psychosis abyss!

(Disclaimer: I'm a Greek citizen and I am not voting for Trump. I find quite unusual and interesting though (astrologically, psychologically, semiotically) the phenomenon of the over-demonization of the current American President. I have attended psychology courses in the University but I am not an actual psychologist).

Thousands of Americans are posting each day remarks condemning the current President, Donald Trump. And, with so many people incessantly engaging in this "demonization ritual", they are only adding to it! The demonization has escalated by now to an insane "Middle Ages" - "Witch hunt" level. We are ultimately witnessing here the emergence of what Eckhart Tolle termed as a "destructive unconscious hive-mind" (when people are relentlessly demonizing a specific individual or group of people).