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An artist's depiction of planet "Nine" as envisioned by scientists (Credit: Caltech/ R. Hurt (IPAC)) |
Many extraordinary discoveries go largely unnoticed at the time they occur. Take for example the discovery of planet Uranus in 1781. Not very many astrologers realized back in 1781 that this new, outlandish planet - which actually upset the millennia old established astrological model of the seven "planets" in our Solar System - would ensue a gigantic leap for astrology! For decades (and even centuries) after the discovery of Uranus the astrologers continued erecting their horoscopes as before, by using the traditional set of planets and paying little attention to the "misfit" planet Uranus. But today it would be unthinkable for an astrologer who practices modern astrology not to include Uranus (and Neptune and Pluto) in a chart! These three "transcendental" planets have tremendously enriched our interpretative capacities and it was a pitty that the astrologers of those generations did not take advantage of their enormous potentiality.
Maybe we are bound to repeat that mistake, this time with the so called planet "Nine"! You see, in the last couple of decades - and especially from 2003 on - we are discovering in the far reaches of our Solar System so many celestial bodies (Sedna, Eris, Makemake, Quaoar, Orcus and many other objects bearing numbers instead of names) that we are beginning to lose count and interest in them. Somehow, it feels like we are back in 1781! But this time we have to carefully evaluate these newly found bodies, so that we promptly determine their astrological value. Personally, I think that we should start with planet "Nine", which actually is a fully fledged planet (and not a dwarf planet like the rest). Planet "Nine" is one of a kind (as I mentioned, it is the ONLY newly found PLANET) and by far stands out among all the other new "kids on the block"! There is a small problem here though: we haven't seen yet this planet!
Odd as it might sound, no human being has set his/her eyes yet on planet "Nine"! And as I am explaining below, for the time being this planet exists purely as a theoretical - intellectual conception. If we ever gaze with our telescopes planet "Nine" then it will be a triumph of the human intelect. Actually, it will be the second time that we will experience a triumph of that kind. Back in 1841 the French astronomer Le Verrier noticed certain discrepancies in the orbit of the newly found planet Uranus and theorized that another giant planet should lie beyond it - exerting its influence over Uranus. He even provided the exact coordinates of this new planet to a German observatory, which consequently discovered the planet Neptune exactly where Le Verrier suggested it would be!
Does planet "Nine" really exist?
To be honest, we are not absolutely sure that planet "Nine" really exists. Even Mike Brown (the famous astronomer who on the 20th of January 2016 made the announcement of planet Nine's "discovery" - on a purely theoretical basis, via mathematical equations and cumputer's simulations) admits that there is a ten per cent chance that planet Nine does not really exist. But on the other hand, there is a bounteous ninety per cent chance that planet Nine is really out there! I might be betting on the wrong "horse" here but I trust Mike Brown. He is an internationally recognized astronomer and he has discovered so many objects in the far reaches of our Solar System that he has definitely got the hang of it. I don't think he would ever publicly announce the existence of planet "Nine" unless he were quite sure about it...
Let me try to explain you as plainly as I can the gist of his theory. Just picture a kids' swing. If such a swing is swinging then we are sure it is not swinging on its own, There must be some force moving it, a force exerted by some phenomenon or entity. It might be a person, a strong wind or even an earthquake. We might not be seeing the entity or the phenomenon producing the force but we clearly see the effect produced by it: the swing swinging. We know that it is impossible for a swing to move unless some force - stemming out of something or somebody - is exerted upon it. In certain instances we might not have a direct visual contact with the person pushing the swing (there might be ie. a tree lying between us and him/her) but we are pretty sure s/he is there! The very same principle apllies to planet "Nine". We know it is out there because we are seeing - to our astonishment - six whole dwarf planets "swung" to the overall same direction, without anything else out there being capable of producing such a dramatic effect!
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Planet "Nine" swinging the six dwarf planets on the left to an overall same direction |
So, we are talking here about a new planet that is located far beyond our known Solar System. By measuring the amount of force this planet exerts over the six "swung" dwarf planets we determine that planet "Nine" should be two to four times bigger than the Earth and 10 times as massive! It is temporarily named "Planet Nine" (it will be properly baptized when captured by our telescopes), because it is the ninth planet in numerical order from the Sun. It comes immediately after Neptune, which is the eighth planet of our Solar System (we shouldn't forget that the body we previouly knew as the "ninth planet", Pluto, has been demoted in 2006 by the Ιnternational Astronomical Union and is currently considered not a proper planet but a dwarf one).
It is like living i.e. in the island Cuba and believing (as our ancestors used to believe before us, for that matter) that Cuba is all that there is, the entire world. And then some day unexpectedly finding out that beyond Cuba lies the vast american continent! That kind of "shock" the astronomers are experiencing nowadays! For generations we used to believe that our "island" (the Solar System we were familiar with) was all that there was and suddenly we discovered a vast "continent" (an immense extended area of our Solar System) lying beyond our "island" (our previously known Solar System)!
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The gargantuan orbit of planet "Nine" in respect to our known Solar System |
The main difficulty in spotting planet "Nine" lies in its sheer distance from the Sun. As you can see in the picture above, planet "Nine" orbits the Sun in a gargantuan distance that somehow is "off scale" in comparison to the orbits of the planets we are familiar with (in fact, everything about this planet seems to be "off scale"). Actually, planet "Nine" it is so remote that the astronomers estimate it would appear something like a 1000 times fainter than Pluto (and if you know how faint Pluto appears in our telescopes - just a few pixels across - then we are talking here about something that is extremely faint)! Obviously planet "Nine" reflects a very limited amount of sunlight, thus even to our most sensitive telescopes - if they ever serendipitously focus on this "ghostly" planet - it will be extremely difficult to distinguish it from the background of the "all starry" sky. In addition, planet "Nine" should be pretty much frozen, meaning that its thermal "trail" is not easily detectable by our radio telescopes. So, it might take years before we "physically" discover this majestic object.
Some people might say then: why should we care for such a remote planet that even to our strongest telescopes appears as a minuscule dot? Well, the answer is that astrology does not seem to care that much about distances. The planets of our known Solar System - which are much closer to us than planet Nine- do not actually affect us astrologically by their gravitational tug. If that was the case then - as the skeptics are claiming - an obstetrician would exert on the infant a much stronger gravitational tug with his/her body mass than any other heavenly body! So it is not the very proximity of a planet that makes it astrologically "active". It rather is a complex web of cosmic interrelations. Think of Pluto: it is a tiny object very far away from us but still it is tremendously affecting us! Let alone planet Nine, which is 5000 more massive than Pluto! In any case, it would be ridiculous for us astrologers to be giving credit to "space boulders" like i.e. the asteroids "Arachne" or "Eros" and ignore such a majestic and domineering celestial body like planet "Nine"!
Actually, planet "Nine" seems to be the absolute king of this newly discovered, unimaginably huge area that lies well beyond our known Solar System. It is gravitationally dominating vast reaches of this over-extended area. Beyond any doubt, this is an omnipotent celestial body, which is subduing several dwarf planets dictating them the orbits they follow...
The astrological properties of planet "Nine"
Determining the astrological properties of a somehow "ghostly" planet that we have just theoretically "discovered" - and that we haven't even set our eyes on - would normally be a task next to impossible! In fact, it took several decades - and even centuries - to guess, then "distill" and finally determine the specific astrological properties of each of the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. But this rather long process ultimately handed over to us a valuable practical "kit", that turns to be very useful in determining the properties of a newly found celestial body. You see, in retrospective and after so many years that the astrologers were eagerly striving to detect the properties of the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto we realized that "synchronicity" is a crucial elementt. So, we should carefully examine every single set of events, every process or even intricacy occurring around the time a celestial object is discovered. Additionally, we realized that the astronomical reality of a celestial body has much to do with its astrological nature. Armed with these notions we will attempt now to guess some eventual properties of planet "Nine"!
First of all, planet "Nine" is a purely theoretical conception, a discovery made possible thanks to the human intellect and the - produced by the human intellect - science of mathematics and astronomy, the advanced computers, astronomical software etc. So, it might be a planet exalting the human intellect and endowing the individuals and the generations it is affecting with extraordinary spiritual / intellectual capacities!
And beyond any doubt, this is a "transcendental" planet. We have been already calling "transcendentals" the (astrological) planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Thus, we are aware that we are having here a planet that goes beyond the "transcendental". I don't know what might lie beyond the transcendental but definitely planet "Nine" is the harbinger of a much elevated and profound consciousness. It apparently represents experiences that go beyond the habitual spectre of life and is probably "attracting" some unusual or even extreme to our everyday perception events (often of an inner dimension). Such a "hyper-transcendental" planet might be an agent of tremendous evolution for the human beings, although the individuals themselves might be experiencing the initial stages of such evolution as an acute suffering and constant adversion. In such a transcendental realm the concept of "duality" is largely eased off and the polar opposites look ever more the same!
Planet "Nine" is a distinctively "generational", collective planet. It acts mostly on a collective level and its impact would be more obvious over the human generations than on single individuals. All the other planets stay in a sign just a few years, not enough time to "stamp" a generation with the distinguished "frequency" of their permanence in that sign. Only Pluto might stay up to 31 years in a sign - and this period stands on the fringes of what we might call a generation's time span. Sometimes though Pluto stays just for 12 years in a sign and that's not enough time to produce a distinct "astrological stamp" for that generation. Till now we did not have a planet staying in a sign for say a century, a planet vibrationally "marking" an entire epoch for humanity (i.e. there is no known planet that can be accounted for - on its own - for the epoch of the roman empire). But that might change now, as planet "Nine" remains in certain signs for entire centuries (it might orbit the Sun in a period of 15.000 years)!
Michael Brown hypothesizes that planet "Nine" might currently be somewhere in the constellation of Cetus - which corresponds to the zodiacal signs of Aries/ early Taurus. It is very probable then that planet "Nine" was transiting in the sign of Aries during the two last world wars (together with Eris and Sedna, you may see my relative article here), marking with its presence in Aries one of the most bloody and bellicose periods in the history of humankind (with almost 70 million human casualties)! ...Isn't clear now in retrospective the sheer madness we have been through in that grim period of the two most large scale, destructive wars in the history of humanity?
Planet "Nine" is definitely a planet of power, somehow fatally dictating its will upon the individuals and especially upon the generations it is affecting.
It is also a planet long heralded by different names and forms! As "Planet X", as a stellar "Nemesis", as "Tyche"etc. Thus, it might have to do with the attribute of "heralding" things, situations, entities. It might be also teaching us that a true entity might be concealed behind different names and appearances, which are ultimately reflecting just partial facets of it!
Oddly enough, planet “Nine” seems to be connected to all of the transcendental planets/dwarf planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Eris! In addition, it somehow summarizes certain of their properties. First of all, it is much reminiscent of planet Uranus, because (as Uranus back in 1781) it is ushering us now into a vast new area of our Solar System, an area that we had never imagined it existed. It is thus a “system's breaker”, a somehow subversive, revolutionary planet that is awaking us to new vast dimensions!
It has some obvious similarities with planet Neptune too! You see, both planets were “discovered” first on a theoretical level, due to the perturbations they were exerting over some other celestial bodies that had already been discovered by the astronomers. And they were "physically" discovered later on (or so we hope for planet "Nine").
In addition, planet “Nine” is intrinsically connected to Pluto, because it actually took its place as the ninth planet of our Solar System (since Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet back in 2006). There shouldn't be a ninth planet after all, but thanks to this new giant planet the order is apparently restored and Pluto is somehow vindicated! Not to mention that planet “Nine” seems to be a "dark” king, the king of a very dark region of the "extended" Solar System. And as we know, Pluto is considered the king of the underworld. So, there is an intimate, “semiotical” kind of connection between planet “Nine” and Pluto!
Finally, planet “Nine” seems to have some kinship with the newly found dwarf planet Eris. You see, both these objects have been somehow “unwanted”. Eris was the only deity that was not invited in a crucial - according to greek mythology - marriage. And planet “Nine” was apparently kicked out of our known Solar System some billions of years ago – due to the gravitational tug of our known giant planets. So, planet “Nine” seems to have been somehow redundant to our Solar System and for that reason it was kicked out in its farthest reaches! It might thus be astrologically representing the traits of being unwanted, kicked out and redundant...
The impact of the definite, visual discovery of planet "Nine" will be enormous for astrology. You see, at least as early as 2005 a quest has begun from the part of the international astrological community on the astrological properties of the newly found planetoids Sedna, Eris etc. The astrologers worldwide have been trying to understand how important these planetoids are and whether or not should they include them in their charts - and how should they interpret them. When we come down though to planet "Nine" we don't deal with just a small planetoid but with a proper giant planet, perhaps four times larger than our Earth! Therefore, planet "Nine" carries a particular astrological weigh and it is imperative to determine as early as we can its actual position in the sky and its overall astrological properties. Then, we should permanently include it in our astrological softwares and the horoscopes we erect!
When an extraordinary dicovery is made people feel they are living in exciting times! Provided they realize the fact that the relevant discovery is extraordinary. And we - today's astrologers - are lucky to live in such an exciting epoch, when the discovery of planet "Nine" was made!
Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis
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ReplyDeleteI had a thought about Planet Nine. Several thoughts, actually, but one really neat (IMO) one. Yesterday I calculated the zodiac position range based upon all the areas of the sky that have been ruled out by past surveys (according to Mike Brown). The main area spans from right around a corner in Eridanus (RA>3 hrs) at 2 Taurus up to the foot of Gemini (Alhena) at 9 Cancer, with a little partially explored fudge factor (ruled out below 24 Magnitude)on either side. The center of that area is at 12 Gemini, around the curve of Orion's bow/skin/shield (HR1553).
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm thinking about this planet that is probably in my 7th (maybe 8th, possibly 6th) house, and reminded of the name Brown used for Planet Nine: The Great Perturber. I always thought it strange I had no 7th house planets, but have almost always been in long term relationships. I was wondering where this hidden influence might be hiding. Then I thought: do we not ALL have a "Great Perturber" in our charts at pretty much the same zodiac position, which has acted, unknowingly, all our lives? With so much potential data, and with enough analysis, could it's position be deduced indirectly, much akin to a chart rectification? Also, Transits are going to affect the entire world at once, so global events might be useful as well.
Then I had an awesome thought: What if Astrology could tell the astronomers where to look in the sky for this planet? Or predict its location? Imagine: much like doing the math, and looking for and discovering Neptune, what if the math this time were Astrological deduction, and one of us said: "look along this line," and lo, there was Nine? How amazing a vindication for our oft-besmirched craft would that be?
(BTW, Data is from the chart on this page: http://aasnova.org/2016/06/24/an-update-on-planet-nine/ I have a graphic, but can't post it here. The swath goes through Orion, N of Canis Minor, through Orion cutting off the corner with Saiph (but including the belt), through Rigel down to the first bend in Eridanus, and includes the front part of Taurus, about halrway to the Pleiades, from Alnath in Auriga/Taurus down to Menkar in the corner of Cetus. The top is an arc that includes Gemini's feet (and possible a little higher - lower probability).
Dear "Voron X" I am sorry I didn't previously see your comment (many indian astrologers are leaving here their own spam comments and that makes it difficult to spot the proper ones! I am sorry!)
DeleteWhat a great insights you have and an original way of thinking, my congratulations!!! Yes, we might do the things you are suggesting! Do you have a blog of your own?
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