Saturday, 5 November 2022

The eminent Byzantine astrologer John Abramius

Byzantine astrology is rather unknown among the general public. In fact, many people might be surprised to find out that Byzantine astrology even existed. It did, though, and it was marvelous!

Byzantium was somehow a continuation of the Hellenistic world, so astrology was a natural part of its tradition. Additionally, the Byzantines were geographically close to the Persians and Arabs - who themselves had adopted and developed the Hellenistic astrology. Consequently, Byzantium became a particularly fertile ground for the dissemination of astrological ideas, at the time.

Some of the most competent astrologers of that era originated in this part of the world. Among them was John Abramius, whom I am sharing with you in this article. Aside from his skills as an astrologer, Abramius kickstarted what we might call a “tardive Byzantine astrological school"! Its influence was such that even illustrious figures, such as Cardinal Isidore of Kiev, studied astrology there!

Monday, 1 August 2022

The Mars- Uranus - North Node conjunction in Taurus (Empires crumbling down)!


In just a few hours we are going to experience the major event of this month, August 2022 (and one of the major events of the entire 2022): the Mars - Uranus - North Node partile Conjunction, at the 19th degree of Taurus! 

I did a little research, in order to find out when this specific conjunction was repeated again in the past 3400 years - combined with the presence of Saturn in Aquarius. Only two dates came out: February 9th, 156 BCE and the period around June 1520 (when Mars, Uranus and the North Node were in Taurus alright, but not in a partile configuration). That's quite remarkable! The Mars - Uranus - North Node conjunction in Taurus (alongwith Saturn in Aquarius) has re-occurred just twice, in the last 3400 years!

Thursday, 21 April 2022

Our "airplane" (the "West") is nosediving - but we think we are flying fine!

Throughout history, the empires seem to be ever shifting from East to the West! Starting with what we consider the oldest known empires, the Mesopotamian and Egyptian ones, the "world hegemony" was consequently taken over by the Hellenistic Empire, by the Roman Empire, by the Frankish one and - later on - by the Spanish and the English empires! Then, the center of power shifted further westwards and USA became the strongest world empire! And apparently the time has come for the "world hegemony" to shift even further westwards, to China! 

Such discussions are often held on the internet. But most of us are treating them as if they concerned some distant future event. Few people realize that this "changing of hegemony" process is happening right now, right in front of our own eyes!

Sunday, 3 April 2022

The 500 years mega-resonance planetary cycle (and the irrevocable degradation of Europe)!

"Europe" by Justus van Egmont

I was watching the other day a video of a brilliant Greek geopolitical analyst (Constantine Grivas) who was positing that the current war in Ukraine is signalling - among other things - the definite ending of the 500 years European dominance over the world! Plus, it is signalling the irrevocable transformation of Europe into a "vassal continent", on the periphery of the new geopolitical protagonists of the world!