Sunday, 7 October 2018

The Richard Tarnas' Athens - Greece "Astro - Scholar evening" talk!

The friends of the "Babel Astro-Scholar evenings" are very happy to host next Tuesday (via internet) the world-leading Astrologer (with a capital "A") Richard Tarnas!

Richard Tarnas is a professor of philosophy and cultural history at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, where he founded the graduate program in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness. He also lectures on archetypal studies and depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, and is on the Board of Governors of the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. A graduate of Harvard University and Saybrook Institute, he is the author of The Passion of the Western Mind and Cosmos and Psyche: An Intimation of a New World View. His “World Transits 2000-2020: An Overview,” focused especially on the years 2008-12, can be read at