If the title of this blog came as a surprise to you, then you should know that true astrology is actually scientific! What is not scientific is the popular, predictions orientated astrology you probably are familiar with!
The poster you see above apparently is a very convincing one. It is a modern political poster of the French far-right party "Front National". The slogan on it goes: "let's produce French products with French workers" . This is a rather nationalistic slogan that obviously goes against the many millions of foreign (or foreign descent) workers in France! But it seems to have been appealing to the French, because last Sunday it led almost the 20% of them to vote for "Front National"! And although the above poster seems modern, dynamic and "awaking" it is somehow reminiscent of certain posters that are by now 80 years old! I am referring to the 1930's far-right political posters in Europe, of a highly volatile period that ultimately led to the rise of Hitler's fascist party in Germany (Mussolini's in Italy etc.) and to World War II!
In reality, us astrologers we had already compared and correlated the actual period with the 1930's, we had already predicted the rise of far-right parties in the 2010's even whole decades ago! We "knew" about it and we were ready to witness it! But now that is happening under our own eyes it is impressive! There is a resurgence of the far-right parties almost all-over Europe! This is not a new phenomenon. As I said before, it happened again back in the 1930's (in the previous "Uranus - Pluto squaring each other" period - again back then with Uranus in Aries and Pluto in the cardinal sign of Cancer).You see planet Uranus expresses - according to the sign it is in and according to the aspects it receives - the "political trends" of each single period. And now that Uranus receives a heavy square aspect from Pluto (a "dark", irrational, extremist, absolutist planet) far-right parties are rising again all over Europe!
P.S. A meteoric rise of the Greek far-right party "Chrysi Avgi" (Golden Dawn) has occured in the last 3-4 years. On the Greek Parliamentary Elections of the 6th May 2012 the party "Chrysi Avgi" won 7% of the votes (while in the previous 2009 elections it had won just a 0,29%! This means that the "Golden Dawn" party increased its power - in less than 4 years - by a factor of almost 2400%!).