Monday, 20 June 2011

Jupiter in Taurus (and the Taurus' "dark" flip-side)

(photo: Sergey Larenkov)

On the 4th of June 2011 planet Jupiter entered in the sign of Taurus (after completing a crazy race in Aries -  very apropriate to that fiery's sign nature).  I wanted from the begining to post on my blog an article interpreting Jupiter in Taurus but I had the sense that I was missing something. I could not figure out what it really meant for Jupiter to be in the sign of "the earthy reality". I was reading other colleagues' articles who were interpreting Jupiter in Taurus as a "world-wide financial growth" but that interpretation seemed simplistic to me and not very congruent with the current global situation. So, I decided to shy away from any possible interpretation till some kind of inspiration would illuminate me.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Astrologer John Panayiotopoulos denouncing the committee formed to pave the way for a formal Greek Astrological Federation!

 """ I had the honor of being one of the members of the seven-member committee, which was formed in order to pave the way so that a Greek Astrological Federation could be established. The committee was elected by secret voting, on the occasion of an historical meeting of 32 Greek astrologers, which took place on May 15th, 2009. I alphabetically mention the members of the committee: Galanou Mary, Gazis Thomas, Konti Vasia, Panayiotopoulos Yianis (John), Rizopoulos Yianis, Sotiraki Smaro, Zachariadou Evita.