Saturday, 9 November 2024

The 2025 "Plutonian" Presidential Inauguration!

(I wrote about this a couple of years ago, in some Facebook mundane astrology groups. In light of the upcoming Presidential Inauguration, I believe it is pertinent to publish the relevant content here as well.)

The Presidential Inauguration ceremonies appear to be purposefully tailored (possibly by freemasons) so that the President of the USA gets sworn in at about the time the Aquarius Sun (in the first degree of the sign) is culminating in the sky! We understand the cosmic and esoteric significance of such an event: the President of the USA is beginning his term of office with the Aquarian Sun above his head and in close proximity to the Inaugurtion's MC! So far, so good! This time though a quite different cosmic energy will permeate the relative ceremony, on the 20th of January 2025!

You see, in the upcoming Inauguration, the Sun will be forming a tight Conjunction with planet Pluto! Thus, not just the Sun but Pluto as well will be hanging over the President's head, conjoining at the same time the Inauguration's MC! That's a remarkable event on its own! And it get's even more remarkable when we realize that never before a USA President was sworn in with such a tight Sun - Pluto Conjunction in Aquarius!

The previous time that Pluto was at the very same degree of Aquarius (the first) was in 1779! However, the USA was still a Confederate and not a constitutional state back then. Meaning that they not only lacked an inauguration ceremony but also a formal president, at the time.

As you know, the first President of the USA was George Washington, who took office on April 30th, 1789 - that's actually the date of the very first Presidential Inauguration in the USA. From 1793 until 1933, most ensuing inaugurations took place on March 4th (and a few of them on March 5th). Then, starting in 1937, the date of the inauguration was permanently shifted to January 20. 

The fact is that Pluto has never before been in the sign of Aquarius, since the January 20th inauguration date was established (from 1937 onwards). Hence, so far there has never been a  inauguration day with a Sun-Pluto tight conjunction in Aquarius! That's a unique event!

To be accurate, another presidential inauguration with a tight Sun-Pluto conjunction occurred back in 1809. It was President Madison's inauguration that took place on March 4th, that year. But we're talking about a whole different scenario there.  

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis

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