Monday 1 August 2022

The Mars- Uranus - North Node conjunction in Taurus (Empires crumbling down)!


In just a few hours we are going to experience the major event of this month, August 2022 (and one of the major events of the entire 2022): the Mars - Uranus - North Node partile Conjunction, at the 19th degree of Taurus! 

I did a little research, in order to find out when this specific conjunction was repeated again in the past 3400 years - combined with the presence of Saturn in Aquarius. Only two dates came out: February 9th, 156 BCE and the period around June 1520 (when Mars, Uranus and the North Node were in Taurus alright, but not in a partile configuration). That's quite remarkable! The Mars - Uranus - North Node conjunction in Taurus (alongwith Saturn in Aquarius) has re-occurred just twice, in the last 3400 years!

The first time was back in 156 BCE (when Saturn was in Aquarius as well, as it is currently). Nothing "big" occurred in that specific year. The overall, though, period around 156 BCE was quite important. You see, a new super-power was in a meteoric rise back then: Rome! Rome was finally taking the upper hand in the Punic wars and was about to irrevocably destroy Carthago! Plus, Rome began having back then military superiority over the Macedonian Greeks! So, a little after 156 BCE Rome literary annihilated two ex empires and became the undisputable master of the Mediterranean! 

The other Mars - Uranus - North Node conjunction in Taurus occurred around June 1520 CE. As I explained, it wasn't a partile conjunction, as it currently is. And Saturn was once more in Aquarius! In a previous article, that I had posted here, I had written that I consider the year 1520 CE as a landmark of the European Colonialism! It was back then that a European kingdom (Spain) defeated and colonized for the first time ever a trans-continental empire (the one of the Aztecs)! And immediately after this key event the European kingdoms started colonizing, on a massive scale, the entire planet!

Thomas Gazis

Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis