Monday 22 April 2024

The importance of getting along with our own selves (Second House)!

Most people don't get along with their own selves! That comes as a bit of a surprise, considering that people in general are quite egocentric and are thus supposed to take the very best care of themselves. But, as if they were plagued by some mysterious virus, they don't! On the contrary, they often are at war with themselves, acting in self-loathing and destructive manners.

Thursday 18 April 2024

The better the astrologer, the less deterministic the predictions s/he makes!

I think all of us who practice astrology have gone through this phase: to interpret astrological data in a rather rigid, "deterministic" manner. Studying i.e. a chart and concluding that because the person has such and such planetary positions (aspects, domifications etc.) then s/he unquestionably has such and such traits in his/her character, while a specific set of events will befall him/her in the near (or distant) future!

Saturday 6 April 2024


(How to orientate ourselves in this cataclysmic chaos!) 

Join this Ev Zervoudakis and Thomas Gazis free online event, on the very day of the notorious 8th April Eclipse! 

We are in the most disruptive times in modern history. We just had a big earthquake a few miles away from NYC, the people are unsettled, the news may not be what it appears to be, hatred and corruption are escalating, and the bottom line is doom and gloom everywhere. The economy is tanking around the world. The disappearance of logic and truth.