Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Latent Synastric Elements: The Secret Fuel of Love!

                                                 (Wallis Simpson and Duke Edward VIII)

What is it that makes two people come close and eternally stick together? The obvious assumption, “because their signs are compatible,” is rather inconclusive. There is ample evidence of relationships that went wrong even though the couple had compatible charts. On the other hand, we often encounter incompatible elements in so-called happy, long-term relationships. Thus, the supposedly standard astrology rule—“to have a happy relationship all we need is many harmonic elements between the two partners’ charts”—is too simplistic, and often contradicted. 

In reality, astrology and synastry (the branch of astrology that specializes in human relationships), are more complicated than this. Just survey the people you know, and you will realize that in certain happy relationships, the Lights of the partners (their Sun and Moon) are found in mutually discordant signs. That’s not a “bad” thing on its own. When the Lights of partners are found in discordant signs, an energizing pattern is formed that carries the potential of forging deep bonds. 

To examine this issue of discordant signs further, let’s take a look at one of the greatest love stories of all time: Prince Edward (Duke of Windsor) and Wallis Simpson (Duchess of Windsor). The grandeur of their love stems from the fact that the Prince gave up the throne of England in order to marry the “mortal” (and already twice-divorced) Wallis Simpson. If this wasn’t love, then what is? The two stayed together for 30 years—the rest of their lives. Such hard evidence attests to the fact that theirs was a genuine love. Edward and Wallis stayed together not for some utilitarian convenience, but because they really wanted to, because they enjoyed each other’s presence. For such a sublime, eternal love we would expect a great synastry. 

Much to our surprise though, there is an arresting discordance in the synastry between these two mythical lovers—if we study it following the traditional “synastric” recipies. There is another technique though that delves much deeper into synastry, a technique that I personally call “Latent Synastry.” I believe now that the secret of this illustrious couple’s success lies in their latent synastry.

Discordant Signs 

To begin with, their Sun signs are considered incompatible: Simpson is a Gemini and Edward a Cancer. Furthermore, Edward’s Moon is in Pisces, which is in a very discordant position to Wallis’s Sun sign, Gemini. According to astrological tradition, this is a negative factor, because in a man’s chart the Moon represents his inner self, his “anima,” the kind of feminine figure he is ideally attracted to. And, in this case, we have Edward who apparently, and against every rule, “buttons up” his anima to a woman whose personality possesses dissimilar traits to the ones he longs for. 

But there is even more. Wallis’ Moon is in Libra, forming a square aspect (by sign) to Edward’s Sun in Cancer. Again we discover an element of discordance among their Lights, a clashing of the inner world of Wallis to the core personality of Edward. It seems odd for what is considered the most illustrious couple of the previous century to have such discordant configurations. Even their common Ascendants do not actually compensate for this fact (both Edward’s and Wallis’ Ascendants are in Aquarius, although some astrologers claim a Cancer Ascendant for Wallis). The identical Ascendants speak more of some sort of common background and of an attraction that climaxed mostly during the initial stages of their relationship. In any case, identical Ascendants are not an element good enough to firmly bind two people. How then did this couple come to live happily for so long together? 

Latent Element #1: Incompatible Conjunction 

We cannot satisfactorily answer this question unless we apply to this couple the “latent synastry” technique. At first glance, Edward and Wallis’ charts seem to have very little in common. They have no major affinities (apart from their common Ascendants). Their crucial solar and lunar signs are anything but harmonious. But latent elements are crucial aspects that may not easily be spotted at first glance. So we have to plunge deeper into their synastry in order to understand the mystery of their union. 

First of all, their basic signs might not be harmonious, but their respective Suns lie very close in the zodiac—just 3 degrees apart. Therefore, their Suns, although in different signs, actually form a conjunction aspect. This kind of conjunction I call “incompatible” because it contradicts the classic signs-based concept of a conjunction. Incompatible or not, the fact remains that Edward’s and Wallis’ Suns are in conjunction, so they do share some fundamental common energy, some sort of affinity in their core personalities. 

Latent Element #2: Incompatible Trine Aspect 

A second latent element is the trine aspect formed by Edward’s Moon and Wallis’ Sun. This too is an “incompatible” aspect, as the signs of Pisces and Gemini are discordant. Still, his Moon and her Sun are within orb of a 120-degree angle, a much needed aspect in order to “button up” Edward’s inner world to the otherwise discordant (to him) core personality of Wallis. 

Latent Element #3: Reciprocal Fifth House Emphasis 

The synastry of these two legendary lovers becomes more meaningful if we take into consideration the Houses their Lights are in, apart from the signs of their Lights. Wallis’ Sun is in her natal Fifth House, but as the Fifth House corresponds to the sign of Leo (each sign bears a similarity to its respective house) Wallis has a regal, Leonean Sun. But Edward’s Sun is also in his natal Fifth House, so he also has Leonean traits. Since both their Suns dwell in their natural House, we have here two individuals who are radiant, glamorous, and aristocratic. And undoubtedly this reciprocal Fifth House emphasis breeds a strong sense of community between them. 

Wallis’ Sun falls in the duke’s Fifth House. This particular domification further “lionizes” her Sun. Thanks to their synastry, Wallis Simpson was turned into a very prominent Leo (especially when standing beside the Duke!). 

Latent Element #4: Kindred Sun/Moon Traits 

Wallis was born under the sign of Gemini, but she had her Moon in the sign of Libra. Her Moon is also in her Eighth House, therefore she has a Scorpio-flavored Moon (the Eight House corresponds to the sign of Scorpio), giving her a very penetrating and powerful, erotic, and passionate character. But this “Scorpio-tinted” Moon of Wallis perfectly matches both Edward’s Cancerian Sun and Piscean Moon (all three being watery signs, signs that crave deep feelings and a potent binding of the souls). 

Edward’s Sun forms a harsh square aspect to his potent Mars (in Aries), bestowing upon him much energy, dynamism and virility. The same square aspect though is creating in him (along with his Moon in his First House) a very impatient and quarrelsome sub-personality. But Wallis probably had an equally virile and quarrelsome side as her Mars (in Aries) partile opposes her Scorpionic (Libra) Moon. These similar aspects in their charts produced “kindred” traits in their characters (remember that a man functions mostly through his Sun while a woman mostly through her Moon). 

Edward’s Moon in his “cardinal” First House means that he needed a very dynamic, assertive, and independent woman by his side, as Wallis Simpson was. 

Latent Element #5: Prominent Venus 

Wallis had a Sun-Venus conjunction. Thus, both her Lights turn out to be very “Venusian.” Perhaps this explain her irresistible eroticism, her elegance, and her diplomatic ways—all of which enabled her to obtain whatever she wanted. When Duke Edward met Wallis, she was neither young (40 years old, too old back then!) nor really beautiful, and already twice-divorced. Still, Wallis managed to cast a huge spell over him. 

No doubt that Venus is a prominent planet in Wallis’ horoscope. Venus resides at the cusp of her natal Fourth House—a house corresponding to the sign of Cancer. In this way, Wallis turns out to have a strong Cancerian tint in her personality (and, as we remember, Edward is a Cancer). 

Edward’s Venus is well-positioned in Taurus (in the sign it rules). His Venus is in his Third House, which actually corresponds to the sign of Gemini. This position suggests that the ideal other half of him should be an intelligent, youthful, communicative, versatile, woman—in other words, a Gemini, like Wallis. 

At times their opinions clashed and they squabbled (her Mars squares his Mercury). When having an argument, she would easily lose her temper and, in those moments, he perceived her as inexplicably hostile and polemic. In any case, there was a strong intellectual stimulation between them and this too played a key role in their relationship, as Wallis had a whole bunch of planets in Gemini (a Mercurial sign in constant need of cerebral stimulation). 

Latent Element #6: Jupiter Conjunct Neptune 

Another crucial latent element in their synastry is Edward’s Jupiter forming a conjunction to her Neptune—and to nearly all the planets of her remarkable Stellium in Gemini (Jupiter is traditionally considered the major benefic). No doubt that Wallis benefited from her wedding to Edward. The two became a very open and free couple (her Uranus is in opposition to his Venus), a cultivated couple, both spiritually and socially. 

Wallis is a Gemini in excess (she has Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto in this dual sign). If an individual has the Geminian traits in excess then, by extrapolation, she somehow lacks the Jovian ones (meaning a sound moral system, spirituality, a faith in a superior force taking care of her and optimism/joie de vivre). Not by chance Gemini is considered the sign of Jupiter’s exile. But the Duke’s Jupiter remedies Wallis’ “frailty” because it actually conjuncts her Geminian Stellium (meaning that Edward is graciously offering her what she lacks). In particular, his Jupiter in tight conjunction to her Neptune brought her a lot of faith and magic in her life—made her literally believe the unbelievable. 

Latent Element #7: Eighth House Synastry 

Wallis’ Moon falls in Edward’s Eighth house. The Eighth House is considered to be an utterly (and fatally) unifying House. Its force of union (or repulsion) is irresistible, and when two persons come together under the urge of the Eighth House, the unitary force produced is of the deepest and most powerful kind. We should not forget, as well, that the Eighth House is the House of the sex drive; therefore, passion and sex must have been paramount for this couple. 

Latent Elements in Progression 

Now let’s take a look at the evolution in time of their synastry during the magical period of their marriage/post-marriage. If we progress Edward’s chart to the day of his marriage to Wallis (June 3, 1937), we encounter his progressed Moon in her Eighth House and in the sign of Libra, in a wide conjunction to Wallis’ natal Moon—and ever more approaching her Moon in the ensuing months. This lunar convergence means that a unique emotional convergence took place between the couple during their marriage/post-marriage period, an attunement of their souls and of their erotic appetites (Eighth House emphasis). 

Then, if we progress Wallis’ chart for the same event, we notice her natal Stellium in Gemini (mainly her Sun, Mercury and Venus) being moved to Leo, into Edward’s natal Seventh House (a strong indication of attraction and integration among the two). 

Furthermore, on the occasion of their wedding, Edward’s progressed Jupiter was forming a perfect trine aspect to her natal North Node (a bountiful karmic aspect), and was simultaneously starting to form a conjunction to her natal Sun. On the other hand, Simpson’s progressed Moon was forming an opposition to Edward’s natal Saturn (which by the way was already opposing Wallis’ natal Moon for a “double-whammy” effect!). So, on their marriage day, both her lights were receiving strong Jovian and Saturnine energies. This means that Wallis experienced her wedding with Edward as a very joyful event, as an event that expanded considerably her horizons and catapulted her socially, but brought her excessive obligations too as the Duchess of Windsor. 

The Lessons of Latent Synastry 

This one example should hopefully give you a general idea of how the latent elements work in synastry, weaving a multitude of invisible patterns of attraction and affinity. Though the process of pinpointing these latent elements may be difficult, it is crucial to dig into the many layers of astrological latency for a real understanding of synastry. Starting from the most obvious and explicit layers, we should dive deep to uncover those layers that require a deeper and more sophisticated analysis. The more we bring to light the latent elements of a synastry the more we can understand the mystery of love.

(P.S. This article was originally published on the quite popular American relationships' site "Sasstrology".  You may read it here)

(A "Sasstrology" article by Thomas Gazis)


  1. Finding someone's true love is rare. It's like love is in the stars. There is somewhat an astrological love and astrology attraction.

  2. The elements are one of the most important features of astrology. I do like the tarot deck cards, and find it supplements astrology very well.

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