Friday, 9 December 2011

Taurus 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


The "dark" - to many - 2012 may ultimately prove to be a bright year to you Tauruses, a year that might leave you with many sweet memories! It will open you some new roads and will bring you major opportunities in most areas of your life - especially in its first half, when lucky Jupiter will be in your own sign! Choose this time-period if you want to take important initiatives, to expand your activities, contact foreigners and travel overseas.

Do not be afraid to risk now a little bit more than usual. With Jupiter in your sign - until June 11 - luck will be on your side. Those things you could not achieve in the past you will achieve relatively easily now! Moreover, with the benefic influence of Mars - which (thanks to a rare coincidence) will be very harmonious to you for the whole first half of the year - you will be given now the necessary stamina and strenght to overcome any obstacle. Thus, do not be afraid to assert now your self and demand your rights! Be rather conservative and defensive though in the second part of the year, when you will not have on your side lucky Jupiter any more.

Your levels of vitality and creativity will rise considerably this year (thanks to the definite departure of the planet Neptune from a discordant to you horoscopic area). In addition, the presence of Mars in your Fifth House will benefit those of you involved in the artistic bussiness. If you have children, your relationship with them will become more spontaneous and you will see them responding positevely to your educational methods. If you want to have a child, this year is quite fruitful and the "stork" might soon pay a visit to you!

On the love field, 2012 appears to be a highly erotic year! It will bring you very strong heartbeats, especially between March and May. You should try very hard then to stay without a partner at your side. Things will get more serious in the last four months - when the strict planet Saturn will move to the area of your horoscope corresponding to your relations and collaborations. Saturn will either "solemnize" a relationship of yours or lead you to a sort of dead end (to some sort of refusal from the part of the person you are interested in. Your love life might be negatively conditioned in that specific period by external pressures, unaddressed practical issues etc.) So, you should commit yourself and act responsibly towards the end of the year.

Thomas D. Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Gemini 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


Although 2012 might not start very propitiously to you Gemini, its second half may turn to be very favorable! In the first six months you should display patience and determination, as you will probably encounter obstacles, conflicts, tensions and some forms of aggression (with no apparent reason) from the people around you. You see, on those first six months planet Mars will be constantly discordant to you (out of a rare coincidence)! Your already fragile nervous system will arrive on the verge of collapse then, while around you too much egotism, denial of co-operation and misunderstandings will be prevailing (even within your immediate/family environment).

During 2012 you may have to start literally from scratch, totally reviewing your plans. Mostly, you have to remove those "sharp" points that were bringing you in an open conflict with certain people around you - whose interests are contrary to yours. If you become more diplomatic you will still be able to achieve what you want (provided that you act in a more "silent" mode, without exposing yourself and disclosing your true motivations to the others)!

On February 3 planet Neptune will move into a discordant to your sign position, complicating the situations and bringing in your life some form of confusion, fatigue and weakness (especially to those born in May). Add to the scene the two critical - to your sign - eclipses that will occur on the 21st of May and on the 4th of June and you will understand why we say that the first half of the year is expected to be somewhat tedious for you.

But things will change radically after June 11. From that date onwards Jupiter - the luckiest planet in astrology - will enter in your sign ! With his magic wand Jupiter will change the situations around you and will create new opportunities for you - especially in the business and love affairs area. You might encounter in 2012 the partner you have always dreamed of!

Apart from Jupiter, Venus - the planet of love - will also bring you some "gifts"! Out of a rare coincidence - of a positive kind this time - Venus will stay in your sign for more than 4 months (from April 3 up to 7 August). You will thus have at your disposal 127 whole propitious nights for love, nights that will be eagerly waiting you to fill them with a lot of kisses, hugs and passion!

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Cancer 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


Some radical changes (mostly of a positive nature) are expected to take place in your life in the new year, especially in its first half (when the lucky planet Jupiter and the dynamic planet Mars will be sending you very harmonic influences). New conditions will emerge that will change your life in a dynamic and - at times - revolutionary manner. Meanwhile, some positive developments will restore faith in your soul and you will gradually begin to feel more relaxed, secure and "solid".

Among the good news we should account planet Saturn's departure from a discordant to your sign position! Saturn probably gave you some hard time and tough "lessons" in the last couple of years, lessons that ultimately brought you "down to earth" and made you more realistic and efficient. But on October 5th the "Lord of the Rings" will move in Scorpio, in a very harmonic position to your sign! This saturnian shift will signal the beginning of a more happy, expansive and prosperous period in your life.

All in all, 2012 seems to be a year "in transition" for you. Thus, you might find very often yourself in the position of co-ordinating many different issues and matters at the same time, and this means a lot of time spent over the phone and "on the road". You will probably come in contact with many new people and environments and travel a lot (especially in the first half of 2012) mainly for business and eventually for pleasure too.

Regarding the love matters, you might get romantically involved with a person related to your past or to your place of origin. The most promising months seem to be August and September - and especially the period 7 August - 6 of September when Venus (the planet of love) will be transiting in your sign. You might experience some very strong heartbeats then!

Thomas Gazis

Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Leo 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


2012 will bring you some great opportunities, especially in the professional field. You should keep your eyes open in order to seize these opportunities and make the best out of them. Remember to move within a very realistic and pragmatic framework this year, avoiding the typical to your sign "dramas'" and excesses.

In the first half of the year some intense fermentations will take place in the work/career field. If you are an employee then you might be granted a new and better post or even a promotion. If you have a steady job then you might expand it in some way. Make sure however not to drain your energies and your resources, because after October 5th planet Saturn will move to a discordant position (in the sign of Scorpio). A period of "lean years" might start from then on (especially if you were born in July). You might find yourself confronted by many new responsibilities and duties, which in the end you will manage efficiently - thanks to your unique orginizing spirit and to the amazing stamina your sign possesses.

A fascinating person that will somehow pop out of your friendly environment will play a fundamental role in your heart this year. Initially, you might get involved with this person on a rather friendly level and gradually move onto a more intimate one. As the "hottest" period of the year is depicted the one between September 6 and October 3. Venus - the planet of love - will be transiting then in your sign. Second best periods are those between February 9 - March 5 and between 17 - 31 December.

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Virgo 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


2012 is profiled as an "electric" year to you! Out of a rare coincidence planet Mars will remain in your sign for almost seven months (till July the 3rd)! With Mars on your side you Virgoes will become more bold, dynamic and intrepid than ever! This is the most propitious time for you to vigorously assert yourself, take initiatives and make brand new beginnings! Apart Mars, you will have on your side planet Jupiter too (which will be sending you - until June 11 - some highly favorable influences). With such "stellar allies" you will manage to overcome many obstacles and achieve your goals in business and in finance.

The business sector of your horoscope is particularly emphasized in 2012 and this means that you will be given major opportunities in that area. You should take initiatives mainly in the first half of 2012, which looks more fertile to you. Aim high but try not to overdo it. With Mars in your sign your nervous system will be very "tense" and you will be easily ending up into sterile confrontations and quarrels - and you will have a certain predisposition to accidents too. Thus, control your impulses and be as cool as you can.

On October 5 the austere planet Saturn will leave the area of ​​your horoscope related to your finances. This event could mark a very positive change in your financial matters. Certain limiting factors may cease to exist and you might then start receiving some extra income!

2012 is the proper year for you to expand your contacts, to meet new friends and to create a rich social networking. Do not underestimate this factor! If you make the right acquaintances now and create some strong alliances you will gain more power and influence - both socially and professionally (the two are closely related). Any contacts with clubs, associations etc. will be favored!

Regarding relationships, this is a year of important decisions. Many of you will claim their freedom and autonomy and will step out of a relationship. Some others may impulsively get into a relationship and become somehow "trapped" there. If you were born in August then you are likely to fall in 2012 for some kind of platonic love - unrequited of course - or you might relate to a person who will consequently betray your expectations. Around June some kind of (temporary) alienation may occur with the person you love (of a physical or emotional kind). The "hottest" period of the year will be the one between 3 - 28 October, when planet Venus will be transiting in your sign.

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Libra 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


2012 might prove to be a "therapeutic" year to you, a year that will help you overcome many of your - recent and remote - traumas and firmly stand on your feet! In reality, your sign is still under the grip of some tough astrological influences. By now though you have mostly taken your "lessons" and the "stars" will not have to be so strict with you - as they were in 2010 and 2011. Moreover, in the second half of 2012, the inharmonic to you planetary influences will considerably diminish while simultaneously you will start receiving ever more favorable influences! Jupiter will pass on the 12th of June in the sign of Gemini, in a very harmonic position in respect to your sign. This lucky planet will bring you brand new opportunities in all the areas of your life - mainly in the second half of the year. All in all, 2012 seems a year of major achievements for you - in spite of the difficulties that you will be encountering every now and then!

If you wish to accomplish something big I would advise you to wait until the second half of the year, which is depicted more favorable to you. In the first half of 2012 move rather conservative and generally keep your "back" upon the wall. Protect your achievements from certain "disguised" competitors of yours.

The austere planet Saturn will remain in your sign until October 5 (this year though it will affect mainly those of you born after October 10). You might take too many responsibilities on your shoulders and become the epicenter of a strict criticism. Be sure not to take things too seriously and behave with as much realism and stoicism as you can!

Be careful in the matters of the heart, because in 2012 you might be consumed by some sort of infatuation which will ultimately lead you to disappointment and to nothing concrete. Things will become clearer from April onwards. A fascinating person will probably open you his/her heart in the first summer weeks. The "hottest" period of the year is the one between October 29 and November 22! Planet Venus will be transiting then in your sign, bestowing extra charm on you and atracting several potential partners in your side!

Thomas Gazis

Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Scorpio 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


2012 is profiled as a year of crisis alright but the thing is crises bring the very best in you! Scorpios perform far better when they face hard conditions! Thus, 2012 may prove to be a very positive year to you. Provided that you form alliances! You possess great skills on your own but especially in this new year you will accomplish more easily your goals if you bring the right people on your side - people who will stand by you and will support your actions. Try to be less inflexible and adopt diplomacy.

In the professional field you may start in 2012 an important collaboration that will open you some new horizons. The entrance of planet Saturn in your sign on October the 5th signals a turning point in your carreer, where on the one hand you will have more responsibilities and obligations and on the other hand more rewards!

In the first half of the year - when Jupiter will be opposing your sign - a tendency might prevail in you to overspend (money, feelings, etc.). In this way you will drain very fast your resources and you will be forced to make bloody savings in the second half of the year - especially from October 5th on, when planet Saturn will enter in your sign. Initially Saturn will affect most strongly those of you born in October (any overspending and excesses will probably cost dearly to you).

This year is ideal for you to set once and for all any disputes you have with third parties on financial issues, inheritance etc. With the beneficial planet Jupiter being - in the first half of the year - in the sector of your horoscope related to legal matters you will most probably vindicate your issues!

A solar eclipse will take place in your sign on November 14. Some very unstable conditions might prevail then, so you should move carefully and avoid taking important decisions or risky initiatives around that date.

The sector of love affairs is highly energized in 2012. If you're alone you're likely to start an important relationship! If you are already in a relationship you may turn it to a more formal, by engaging or even getting married! One of the hottest periods of the year will be the one between November 22 and December 16, when planet Venus will be transiting in your sign.

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Sagittarius 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions

2012 seems a very dynamic and "pivotal" year to you Sagittariuses! You will become more energetic, determined and combative and you will manage to get things in your own hands. Additionally, you while develop a better network of relationships and social contacts.

In the first half of the year (when planet Mars will be inharmonic to you) you will be probably forced to give some "epic" battles in order to defend issues related to your job and to your overall career. Some competitors of yours will be doing their best to give you a hard time, so you need to literally fight with your "claws and teeth" in order not to lose certain rights of yours - or even worse your very job. If you're unemployed you will probably find yourself in a position where you will be fiercely fighting to get a job. Some calmer conditions will begin to form in your life after July the 3rd (planet Mars will move then into a more harmonious to you area of the zodiac).

As you understand, the first half of the year may bring you a lot of tension and some broken nerves (you should control your impulses then and avoid extremes). On the other hand, it will open you some important business paths and will bring you some kind of recognition (not only at your working environment but in the social field too). That's a good period for you to compete vigorously and pursue your dreams. Do not expect to achieve any fast results. You have to display first a lot of perseverance, patience, maturity and method, to see your goals realized!

In the second half of the year relationships and collaborations will become very important to you (your ruling planet - Jupiter - will move then into that sector of your horoscope). You may establish then a very important collaboration, that will open you some new horizons. Beware though not to cultivate too many expectations out of your partners and secure first your assets.

With Jupiter in opposition a sort of dissatisfaction might prevail in your life and within yourself, propelling you to to achieve impossible and inaccessible things! You should try to moderate this impulse of yours. Generally, in the second half of the year a tendency towards exaggeration and waste is likely to dominate over you and this you have to check, because we live in difficult times.

In the sentimental area, many of you will decide now to give a more solemn form to their relationship and they will probably get engaged or even married. If you're on your own, you might experience flings that will bring you some strong heartbeats (especially around the end of March - beginning of April).

Keep a low profile around the dates of the three critical to you eclipses: 21 May (solar eclipse in the sign of Gemini), June 4 (lunar eclipse in your sign), December 28 (lunar eclipse in the sign of Gemini).

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Capricorn 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions

The planets will emit brighter rays for you in 2012! The extra hard planetary influences that you were receiving in the previous years - from Pluto, Uranus and Saturn - will not cease entirely but their effect will be mitigated now by certain positive influences that you will receive. The benefic planet Jupiter will be on your side until June 11th, while planet Mars will make you more daring and assertive (at least for the first 6 months of the year, when it will be transiting in the friendly to you sign of Virgo). In addition, Saturn - your ruler - will change sign this year and will pass (on October 5) to an harmonic position (from its previous discordant position)! Not to talk about Neptune which after many years it will finally depart (on February 3) from the area of ​​your horoscope related to your money and finances (Neptune often brings confusion and "dissolution" to whatever area of the horoscope it resides in).

All these are excellent news and promise well for 2012. Despite the eventual difficulties, 2012 is depicted as a positive and creative year for you, a year that will provide you energy and enthusiasm and will help you achieve many of your goals (especially in the professional field). Your finances will improve and you will start feeling more secure. Property and ownership matter that had been in a state of limbo in the past might unexpectedly unblock now.

The very demanding conditions that you encountered in the previous years most probably did not allow you to enjoy love. In such a case you should rejoice, because 2012 seems to be a year of major thrills and full of passion for you. The beginning of Spring and the days around your birthday seem to be the most promising ones - you might get hit then by a whole volley of Cupid's arrows!

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Aquarius 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions

Many small and subtle changes might occur in your life in 2012. Changes which - over time - will prove beneficial to you (especially from June onwards, when planet Jupiter will start forming a very harmonious to your sign aspect). Above all, you should display in this new year the virtues of adaptability and flexibility. And this because you will often find yourself in some situation where you will have to adapt to an ever changing environment and assimilate an ever growing stream of data. Most of all, you will have to act fast and clever, in order to catch the opportunities and turn to your advantages the various circumstances around you.

The definite departure of planet Neptune from your sign in 2012 is good news to you. Neptune might have been the main culprit for you feeling debilitated physically and mentally in the previous years. It might have brought you a lot of confusion and disappointment in your life. This year Neptune will leave your sign and will allow you to regroup your forces, to assess more objectively the situations around you and enter a more fulfilling and succesful period of your life. Overall this year shows a significant amelioration on the socio-professional level. In the first half is likely to change some things in relation to your house and your family environment. From June on you will probably become more vigorous, optimistic, full of vitality and a burning desire to "create" (from artifacts to events, to even children)!

Regarding your love life, 2012 has in store some very exciting experiences for you! Out of a rare coincidence Venus - the planet of love - will be transiting for almost five months (April - beginning of August) in a very harmonious position to your sign! You might get involved then in romantic adventures that will cause in your heart some very strong palpitations!

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Pisces 2012 - Annual Astrological Predictions


In 2012 you need to revise your alliances and urgently establish some new equilibrium with the people around you. In certain cases you will be forced to do this very dynamically - and even violently - due to the pression you will receive out of many people acting aggressively towards you - in your professional, social and friendly environment. An unusual intensity and hostility might prevail around you especially in the first half of the year. Your nervous system will feel very fragile and you might often arrive on the very verge of a nervous collapse. It is thus necessary to find some outlets and channel your high energy levels into something creative (artistic activities, dancing etc.).

Intense competition might prevail around you particularly in the first half of the year (when planet Mars will remain - for six whole months - opposed to your sign). Make your stand and defend your rights in a relationship or in a professional collaboration. The most important to you astrological event will occur on February 3, when Neptune will definitely enter your sign - it has already paid Pisces a short visit in 2011! Neptune is the planet of "magic", the planet who carries us into other dimensions and makes us feel - during certain extraordinary moments in our lives - that "we live in a fairytale!"

Neptune will begin to influence your life in rather unexpected ways and will bring you in touch with more spiritual, occult, metaphysical and perhaps "magical" dimensions! This year, Neptune will affect most strongly those of you born in February. It will probably put you in touch with some artistic, spiritual - or perhaps charitable - environments, artistic occupations and activities (especially in the fields of music, dance, photography). Neptune brings to artists great inspiration and verve.

Thomas Gazis
Copyright: Thomas Gazis

Monday, 26 September 2011

"Astromykonos 2001" - International Astrology Conference

Soon after the successful "Astro-Mykonos 2000" conference, we decided with my wife to repeat the experience and organize a second International Astrological Conference on the Greek island of Mykonos, in the summer of 2001 (8-10 June). As our key speaker we invited the foremost Astrologer, prolific writer and exuberant man Noel Tyl. And we also invited the famous French astrologer Elizabeth Teissier.

(Elizabeth Teissier and Noel Tyl)

Once more, we worked hard with my wife, taking care of every facet, every issue, every small detail, so that the conference ultimately succeeds! We already had in our favor the precious experience of the "Astro - Mykonos 2000" that we had organized in the previous summer. Plus, it was a major comfort to us the fact that we had the full support of an individual who is a benefactor of Greek Astrology (and an excellent Astrologer him/herself)! I would like to express my gratitude to this person for his/her immense contribution to the introduction of cultured Astrology in Greece! I wish I could mention his/her name here, but I cannot because his/her wish is to remain anonymous...  

We invited various Greek astrologers to come over and speak to the conference but most of them rather deliberately (!) chose not to participate! You see, I don't belong to the rather narrow minded and lucrative Greek astrological establishment, which I am ever criticizing! So, naturally the "establishment" backfired to me, by either not mentioning at all the "Astro-Mykonos 2001" or by portraying it in a negative way. After all, a cultured, open minded international conference that was not serving their lucrative and other short sighted interests was of no use to the wider Greek astrological establishment (or so they thought)...

I should also mention here that there is no Astrological Federation in Greece and cultured Astrology is generally marginalized in our small Mediterranean country.
 Plus, in 2001 there was no Facebook and the promotion of any event was possible
only through TV and radio announcements, through relative articles on magazines and newspapers. But as the "Astro-Mykonos 2001" conference was not supported by any media corporation - despite all my efforts and the dozens of press releases I had sent to every single media - ultimately the general public was not informed on this conference and the participation was rather limited. Eventually though, the rather small participation worked in our favor, because it created a warm and spontaneous atmosphere among the people that attended the conference!
In hindsight, I would say that the Greek public was not ready back in 2001 for conferences of such magnitude. They didn't even know who Robert Hand, Noel Tyl etc. were (their books have never been translated in Greek). So, in the mind of the average Greek astrology "aficionado" the "TV celebrity" Greek astrologers
were far more important than those "unknown strangers" speaking at the "Astro - Mykonos" conferences!

(the "giant" as a carriage, as a personality and as an Astrologer Noel Tyl during his magic lecture)

(two famous Astrologers under the sign of Capricorn: Noel Tyl and Elizabeth Teissier)

The two International Conferences "Astro-Mykonos" 2000 and 2001 will undoubtedly remain in the history of modern Greek Astrology as two "beacons", shining over the Greek "barren astrological landscape", over the total absence of astrology conferences in Greece. Thanks to these two "Astro-Mykonos" conferences some internationally recognized, world famous Astrologers came over for the first time in Greece - and the Greek public had the unique opportunity to assimilate some of their wisdom, to talk to them in person, to even join their table at the restaurant and enjoy a meal and a cup of wine, rubbing shoulders with them!  

Thanks to these two "Astro-Mykonos" conferences Greek Astrology somehow managed to emerge out of the fringe and stand (at least for a few days) almost at the center of the International Astrological scene!

Thomas D. Gazis

The puzzling 27th September Super-Moon

On Tuesday September 27th three specific astrological conditions are formed which predispose to the occurrence of possible extreme events. First of all, the Moon (in its monthly orbit) will come closer to Earth, creating the September 27th phenomenon of "Super-Moon" - as Astrologer Richard Nolle calls it. The Sun and the Moon will "conjunct" (they will be found in the very same portion of the sky without producing an eclipse though) forming what we call a New Moon. At the same time the Moon will come closer than usual to Earth. Last time we had a Super - Moon it was on April 18th 2011, very close to the date when the great earthquake and tsunami in Japan occurred. Of course this does not mean that such a mega-quake will happen again.

The other fact that concerns us is that when the New Moon occurs on September 27 the Sun and the Moon contemporaneously form powerful planetary aspects with the "hottest" planetary duo of the recent years, the planets Uranus and Pluto (an opposition to the former and a square to the latter). These aspects may speed up processes and events regarding the global economic crisis and all kinds of "clashes" that exist today worldwide. It is noteworthy that during this New Moon we will have a whole parade of planets (a "stellium") in the sign of Libra (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn will be in it). This indicates a situation "on the very razor's edge", an urgent need to alleviate extreme situations and create an agreement between clashing sides!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

International Astrology Conference "Astromykonos 2000"

One of the best International Astrology Conferences I ever attended was the "Astromykonos 2000"! This conference took place on the famous Greek island of  Mykonos, on the weekend of  9th to 11th June 2000!

Actually, I was the guy that organized this conference. Don't get me wrong though here! I am not an  organizer of conferences, it was entirely an amateur's effort. Some things didn't go as good as they could... In addition, there was another colleague (Grazia Mirti) who took care of the Italian delegation.

Speaking in all honesty, the "Astro-Mykonos 2000" was a magical conference! Be it for the particular vibrations of the island of Mykonos, be it for the great astrologers that were present there, for the wonderful hotel complex we were residing in, there was indeed something "magic" in the air, within the conference halls, the roof gardens, the beaches, magic as we were strolling the alleys of the cosmopolitan town of Mykonos, casually talking as if we were old friends - although we had just met each other! 

As I am an Astrologer and not a professional organizer of conferences, I wouldn't have succeeded with "Astromykonos 2000" unless I had the full support of a benefactor of Greek Astrology (and excellent Astrologer on his/her own) who prefers to stay anonymous. I had already a long experience on Astrology Conferences as I had attended many in Europe - some of them as a speaker. Thus it came to my mind that it would be a unique experience for the speakers and the public alike to combine good astrology and some great summer vacations and organize an international conference on the paradisaical island of Mykonos!

Serendipity favored us, because the island of Mykonos had just acquired back then its first ever huge (500 attendees) lecture hall, at a recently inaugurated (beautiful) hotel complex. There, between the 9th and the 11th of June 2000, the historical "Astromykonos 2000" took place. Three wonderful days, where one moment you were attending a fascinating lecture by a foremost astrologer and just a few moments ahead you were swimming in an exotic, crystalline sea!

Robert Hand's lecture in "Astromykonos 2000")

As our main speaker I invited the internationally recognized foremost astrologer Robert Hand! Rob gave us a profound lecture on the Aristotelian concept of "eidos" (form - species) and on the various ways the "eidos" unfolds itself in Astrology. Additionally, twenty four Astrologers from Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy and France - some of which you can see in the photo below - presented us a variety of interesting and in many cases original lectures (always in accordance to the main theme of the conference, which was "Astrology: the cultural kernel of the new, third millennium").

from left: Elia Ramos, Maurice Charvet, Maro Ioannidou, Emilio Pelaez, Ernesto Cordero, Thomas Gazis (on his knees), Yves Lenoble, Dante Valente, Grazia Mirti

Thomas Gazis - Robert Hand - Maro Ioannidou

In the so called "parallel events" of the conference the French, Italian and Spanish Astrologers (you may seem them on the photo above) examined the eventuality of consolidating a Southern - European Astrological Federation (expanding on an idea that me personally and Ernesto Cordero had initially put forth)! You can see Yves Lenoble (left, with the yellow shirt), Marta Capdevila, Emilio Pelaez (the bearded guy), Maurice Charvet (green shirt), Ernesto Cordero (wearing a waistcoat) while down on the left the head of the President of the Italian Astrological Federation (CIDA) Dante Valente is poking out.

Due to the high level of the invited speakers and to the quality of their lectures, "Astromykonos 2000" is considered the top Astrology Conference ever held in today's Greece!

Thomas Gazis

Friday, 26 August 2011

War of Titans: the historical Uranus - Pluto "square"!

("Prometheus brings Fire to Mankind" - Heinrich Fueger)

The war of the Titans is not taking place just in some Greek mythology books. We are actually witnessing such a Titanomachy above our heads, as planet Uranus is forming a (multi-annual) harsh square aspect with planet Pluto! Under the two battling Titans we stand as feeble spectators and fatal receivers of the tidal cosmic waves they produce.

The implications of this  Uranus - Pluto square are enormous! They extend far beyond our current 2010's decade (which astrologically will be remembered as the "Uranus - Pluto square decade") and they will keep reverberating for whole generations to come! So it is very important to comprehend what this battle is all about and what the two Titans are holding in store for us humans beings!

The two opponents

Every time I want to get deep into the astrological archetypes I am resorting to Greek mythology. It never lets me down and is ever more enhancing my awareness of the archetypes - not to mention that is impressively enriching my astrological interpretations! Strictly speaking, Pluto is not in mythology a Titan but an Olympian god (although a grimly one, being the god of underworld). Neither Uranus (Ouranos in Greek, meaning "sky") was a Titan, but one of the primal "elements - Gods" out of which our earthy dimensions were created. But apart the fact that Ouranos is "the sky", this primal deity shares very few attributes with planet Uranus. There is though an authentic Titan who shares a plethora of attributes with planet Uranus (and with the sign of Aquarius), PROMETHEUS!

First of all Prometheus is a Titan. The Titans actually were the "second generation" primal deities. Meaning that they were less primal and "archetypal" than their parents and more partaking in our earthy dimensions (more muscular, vigorous and "titanic" in appearance)! Prometheus (his name means "foresight" in Greek) was considered the wisest of the Titans! He could foretell the furure (how appropriate to an Uranian - Aquarian entity). Prometheus somehow befriended the Father of the Olympian Gods Zeus (Jupiter) by whom he was consequently given the task to create - with his rather foolish brother Epimetheus - living creatures on Earth! Hastily Epimetheus commenced creating animals, giving them all kinds of "survival traits" (fangs, claws, armour, feathers to fly etc.). But when he arrived to the creature destined to become the human being he realised he was left out of survival traits. With no "weaponry" at all, this delicate being was doomed! Fortunately Prometheus - who obviously had a weakness for this creature - intervened! He modeled the humans after the Gods and endowed them with the ultimate gift: reason!

Zeus was outraged by this Prometheus action! To compensate, he unleashed upon mankind all kinds of suffering. Humans were left in a dark, cold misery. But again Prometheus came as their rescuer! He stole the fire from the Gods and brought it to the humans, delivering them warmth, "light" and energy. This time Zeus punished Prometheus severely (he bound him to a stake on Mount Caucasus, where an eagle was coming each day to feed upon his ever regenerating liver)!

What is this myth telling us? How crazy in love is Prometheus - Uranus with the human kind! What a superb humanist he is! He doesn't want us humans to be animal-like, deprived of reason and of the divine "goodies". Actually, Prometheus' biggest secret is that he created us upon his own image, that we somehow partake of him! He considers us almost his equals, a sort of brothers. That is why he is so devoted to us humans, that is why he is ever striving to liberate us from our animal descent, to lift us from the "gutter" and enlighten us!

Pluto on the other hand is not that much of a friend to us. He is rather a friend of the "human kind" (in its entirety). And he somehow is a "Spartan"! He wants humans to be strong and crafty, to have a good DNA, so that the human species endures all kind of adversities and survives. He does not love at all the weak, fragile, disabled, gullible individuals (he'd rather have them exterminated as he considers them a peril to the survival of the human race)!

As the god of underworld (the "Hades" in Greek mythology) Pluto is a friend of our souls - meaning of the most "undifferentiated" and collective part of ourselves. Thus, it is not in his interest to know how we behaved during our lifetime, how much "animal-like" or idiotic we have been - as long as we deliver him a soul the moment we die. So actually he is a friend of ours from our death on but not during our lifetime! Pluto is uninterested in single humans, in their individual stories, sorrows, traits, level of awareness etc. (that's Uranus bussiness). To him people are important only in the masses, when they act as a sort of "mob", as an homogenized portion of the "human race"! He may turn utterly cruel to seperate individuals.

You may have realized now why Pluto is thriving during major wars, disasters, epidemics etc.! His kingdom is flooded then with human souls. Plus in such circumstances the weaker individuals, those who bear a bad DNA etc. are massively extincted and this means that the human race as a whole is ever more "cleansed" and strenghtened - through a process known as "the survival of the fittest"! No need to guess that Pluto adores the "cleansing" processes in general (and that the fascist regimes adore Pluto)!

Pluto is related to money, to a lot of them! The name Pluto (Πλούτων) sounds like "ploutos" (πλούτος) in Greek, a word that means "richness" ("plutocracy" stems out of the Greek word "ploutos" and plutocracy indeed is ruled by this remote planet)! Pluto is constantly gaining colossal amounts of money, as he is ever usurping the fortunes of the weaker and of the deceased people.

The match!

The two planets are actually forming a harsh square aspect between them. Such an aspect is VERY difficult on its own. But in this case there are some other factors that exacerbate further the hardness of the specific square:

 1) First of all, both the signs these two Titans are in (Aries - Capricorn) are "Cardinal". By their nature, they are very impulsive signs and they tend to start things with a great impetus. This means that since Uranus and Pluto are on a collision course here - in a discordant aspect - their crash is going to be trully defeaning!

2) As if this "cardinal" dominance wasn't enough, Uranus is located in Aries, in the sign ruled by the bellicose planet Mars! Pluto on the other hand is in Capricorn, in the sign where Mars - the god of war - is "exalted"! Too much Mars is involved here and this denotes an extremely violent "crash" of some kind!

3) Uranus - in its circular motion in the zodiac - is currently forming a waxing "first quarter phase" aspect in respect to Pluto (think of the Moon forming a first quarter phase in respect to the Sun). A waxing phase unleashes tremendous energies.

4) The "polarization factor". Uranus (being a masculine planet) is in a masculine sign (Aries) while Pluto (being a feminine planet) is in a feminine sign (Capricorn). Too much "polarization" occurs here and polarizations often lead to dramatic outcomes!

There is still another crucial fact: Pluto in the last few years has climbed up to the very "Zenith of the World" - which in the zodiac is represented by the sign of Capricorn (you may read my article explaining this concept here )! Any "social - collective" planet standing on the "Zenith of the World" dictates the "spirit" that will prevail in humanity during its stay there! And since Pluto is the most "elevated" planet now - and it will remain such at least untill 2018, when he will be momentarily supplanted by Saturn - it is Pluto's spirit that currently rules the entire world. As we said before, Pluto is a dark, underground, ruthless, highly transformative planet that loves the strong and crafty individuals and favours plutocracy (while he disdains the weak and the poor). Don't we perceive his dark spirit all around us now?

With the dark and "diabolic" Pluto sitting currently on the "Word's Zenith" our governments seem more "dark" and sinister than ever (a government is ruled astrologically by the sign of Capricorn)! They are apparently getting ever more corrupted and irrational, reaching to the point of even conspiring against us (supposedly they are spraying us with chemtrails, they are massively administering us vaccines containing harmful to us toxic ingredients etc.). And this situation will definitely aggravate by the end of  2012, when Saturn will move into the sign of Scorpio and will start forming a "mutual reception" with Pluto in Capricorn!

And it's not just Pluto in Capricorn the culprit of the "Middle Ages" mini-era we are entering in. We should blame the Pluto - Uranus square too. Because of this square aspect Pluto is fiercely combating Uranus, hurling him often to the ground and neutralizing thus his "promethean", humanitarian, awaking energies - to such an extent that these energies seem at times totally lacking from our world! But Uranus/Prometheus is a tough god too, he regains consciousness, stands up on his feet and fights back Pluto (through the street protests the weaker people organize). Who is going to win?

Thomas Gazis

(To be continued)

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Money vs "money-energy" - an astrological explanation of the crisis

Has ever occurred to you – under the stress of the titanic financial crisis we are actually facing – the thought that at some point we might be left without money (for all kinds of reasons, out of a bank failure for example)? The thought that money might dry up in society, ending in the pockets and safes of those privileged ultra-rich (who are making now enormous profits out of this crisis)? It feels like a nightmare! How are we going to feed ourselves and our family, how are we going to survive if money disappears?

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Summer (2011) and smoke!

The summer of 2011 does not seem to be particularly sunny - astrologically speaking. We have so far experienced two eclipses on June, a menacing Solar eclipse on the 1st of July and we are going now through a critical period where the Uranus - Pluto infamous square is getting ever more tighter (meaning more acute)! And as if all these were not enough, bellicose Mars will soon enter Cancer and will trigger both the point of the July eclipse and very dramatically the Uranus - Pluto square!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Jupiter in Taurus (and the Taurus' "dark" flip-side)

(photo: Sergey Larenkov)

On the 4th of June 2011 planet Jupiter entered in the sign of Taurus (after completing a crazy race in Aries -  very apropriate to that fiery's sign nature).  I wanted from the begining to post on my blog an article interpreting Jupiter in Taurus but I had the sense that I was missing something. I could not figure out what it really meant for Jupiter to be in the sign of "the earthy reality". I was reading other colleagues' articles who were interpreting Jupiter in Taurus as a "world-wide financial growth" but that interpretation seemed simplistic to me and not very congruent with the current global situation. So, I decided to shy away from any possible interpretation till some kind of inspiration would illuminate me.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Astrologer John Panayiotopoulos denouncing the committee formed to pave the way for a formal Greek Astrological Federation!

 """ I had the honor of being one of the members of the seven-member committee, which was formed in order to pave the way so that a Greek Astrological Federation could be established. The committee was elected by secret voting, on the occasion of an historical meeting of 32 Greek astrologers, which took place on May 15th, 2009. I alphabetically mention the members of the committee: Galanou Mary, Gazis Thomas, Konti Vasia, Panayiotopoulos Yianis (John), Rizopoulos Yianis, Sotiraki Smaro, Zachariadou Evita.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

How does a love story (and everything else) unfold according to the hierarchy of the 12 signs! (The Zodiac as a powerful Universal Software!)

(snapshot from the Youtube video "How to flirt")

by Thomas D. Gazis
(Copyright: Thomas D.Gazis)
Back in 2004, an article of mine titled "The Zodiacal Banquet" was published in the prestigious magazine "American Astrology".  In that article, I proposed that the Zodiac is a type of universal "software" that every entity or process must "run" in order to come to being, evolve, and fulfill its purpose. Even a formal banquet must religiously follow the "steps" of the twelve signs, in order to take place and flow properly. In this article, I'll show you how a love story unfolds according to the zodiacal signs' intrinsic hierarchy!

Our household zodiac appears quite ordinary to most astrologers, but in reality it is a deep mystery! It has much more dimensions than meets the eye. We might say that it is a sort of "primum mobile," an archetypal "field" applicable to our earthly dimensions and the entire Universe. We could think of it as a kind of powerful Universal "software" that every process, situation, and creature must "run" in order to come to being, properly unfold and carry out its mission.

The Zodiac comprises 12 fundamental “steps” (the known to us 12 signs). It starts by laying out the most viable traits of each entity or process (the very first signs, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, are assigned that mission) and gradually advances to ever-more sophisticated stages, ultimately culminating with the sign of Pisces (which is symbolizing the completion of a cyclical process - and its dissolution as well). And as the zodiac permeates the entire cosmos, it influences every single entity and process, even the ones we would never suspect so.

Think of a love story and consider it as a "process" in evolution, something that is born, played out, matured and finally worn off and dissolved. Every love story has to run the "zodiacal software" in order to become a true love story and not a parody of it. Every full-fledged affair has to faithfully follow the 12 “steps” (signs) of the zodiac, it has to pass one by one the 12 sign-stages, starting with Aries and ending with Pisces. If it misses a step, then it will not properly unfold and it will remain in a sort of suspended animation (consider the countless wannabe love stories that have remained suspended, for various reasons). Let us see now the specifics of how a love story unfolds according to the sequence of the zodiacal signs:

- Stage one: The ARIES beginning - “A ram among a flock of sheep”!

Let’s set the beginning of our love story on a crowded boulevard. People are walking up and down the boulevard, including a man and a woman (in the heterosexual version of the story) who have never met previously but are about to fatefully cross paths. They are walking in opposite directions when they suddenly meet, glance into each other’s eyes, they instantly feel a humongous attraction and… kaboom!!! A sudden electrocution, a ventricular flutter sweeps all over them leaving them semi-paralyzed, staring at each other in absolute shock, as if they couldn't believe what their eyes just saw…
Let us pause this scene for a moment. The two individuals share a one-of-a-kind experience at that particular moment; they abruptly separate themselves from the other passersby and are intensely focused on one other. They somehow become a distinct "islet" in the torrent of people that is flowing around them. And, regardless of their previous state of mind, they are suddenly thrust into a rare condition of total excitation! A major "differentiation" occurred here, a dynamic burst of energy, the potential birth of a new "process" (of a love story, in this case) took place, and the "beginning" of a whole new cycle of things for both is probably about to unfold. These are all classic Aries themes!

Aries is a masculine astrological sign. Masculine energies are overtly manifested, thus when people become involved in "electrocuting boulevard flings" casual passers-by generally notice the unusual energy surge between the two…

- Stage two: The TAURUS stabilization phase - “Let me take a better look at you”

We began the narrative with two boulevard passers-by who were instantly drawn to one another. Their encounter though is, at this point, quite crude, amorphous and transient and as such not sufficient for a love story to emerge. The two will most likely be lost in the crowd, after exchanging heated glances as they passed by. Some form of "niche" must be provided for them, either through a serendipitous situation (such as her books falling down and him picking them up, as in the movies) or through a "repetitive pattern" (both meeting frequently at that very spot, so that finally some day they naturally talk to each other). So, an additional prerequisite is needed here, for them to get close and verify their "chemistry", reassuring themselves that they have indeed fallen in love with the right person!

Let's imagine that there is a nearby café, where the two wannabe lovers are brought to, immediately after they were "thunderstruck" on the boulevard. In comparison to instantly bumping into one another, that kind of environment looks far more promising for them. They should pick tables that are close to one another in the café, so they may take their time leisurely "exploring" the other persson (their overall features, "aura," movements, behavior, their voice when ordering, etc.) That's crucial for them to decide whether they madly like the other person or not. 

This particular phase corresponds to the cautious, feminine, fixed sign of Taurus. It stands for the stage in which the individual must decide whether or not they genuinely like someone they just met, to ensure that  the other person's "frequency" clearly matches their own, and that they were not just momentarily and "deceitfully" enthralled with them! 

At this point, the two don't even need to talk. You see, the stage of Taurus is a "feminine"/ "yin" one and this means that things may remain here ambiguous and unspoken. Thus, our protagonists may walk into that cafe pretending that they are not there for each other's sake. They just came in to sip a delicious cup of coffee, nothing more...

- Stage three: The GEMINI communication phase - “Hello there!”

To dispel any uncertainty that they are enthused about the wrong person, the two are "exploring" each other, while sitting in silence at close tables, in that nearby the boulevard café. If they ever become certain that they truly like the other person, an overwhelming need to speak with them arises. So, even under a flimsy pretext, they address him or her and attempt to start a discussion (from scratch, since they essentially don't know anything about one another).

At this point, they are desperate to learn as much as they can, to complete the picture and understand what sort of person this alluring "stranger" is. Continuous queries and responses about their "whereabouts", lifestyle, preferences, habits, and so on are exchanged here. It becomes clear at this stage how mentally "sharp" each individual is, how bright and witty (via the various innuendos and "elaborated" lines they exchange, the verbal "teasing" between them, and so on).

After exchanging enough information, the two build a rough idea in their minds about the other person and understand in broad terms how much common ground they share with him/her - regarding points of view, personal interests, life routine, and so on. All of these are Gemininian characteristics (communicating with others, exchanging ideas, and learning some fundamental information about someone). Things can be openly stated here - as Gemini is a masculine, extrovert sign.

- Stage four: The CANCER journey of intimacy - “What warm eyes s/he has!”

As the two continue their talk, it becomes ever clearer that they share common points of view and have a strong affinity. As a result, their initial concern about having a crush on the wrong person is dispelled. At this point, someone frequently invites the other to his or her table, saying "Why don't you come over to my table?" This move represents the very first step in the two people's path toward intimacy (Cancer is a cardinal sign, and cardinal signs do initiate critical stages). And as one comes over and sits at the table of the other, the two become closer not just in space but emotionally as well! Their "inner worlds" are tackled head-on here, and that might turn out to be either a quite warm and soothing experience or a painful one!

In fact, a person who seems likable from a few meters away may not be as likable when they sit down at our table (just as we may like their ascendant but not their other astrological components). Therefore, as the two individuals in our scenario suddenly move closer, stepping into each other's "personal space" for the first time, they may somehow feel helpless and "naked" in front of one another. They exchange deep stares and, because the eyes are portals to the soul, they ultimately end up examining each other's soul! Each time we gaze into someone's eyes, we literally "slip" into their soul, travel through and encounter their vast, intangible "inner world"! We are then forced to either merge with them or irrevocably collide with their "inner world" and thus experience an acerbic alienation! 

This stage, in which the "inner worlds" of the two ex-strangers' are compelled to meet face to face and develope emotional bonds, is distinctly Cancerian. If the individuals sense that the other person's eyes and general "aura" are sweet, warm, and "mergeable" with his/her own, at this closer distance, then something new is born in them, and a surge of warmth sweeps over their souls. Through their eyes, facial expressions, voice tones, and overall posture, they start to freely exchange feelings and "soul energy" as they yearn to connect with each other's inner world and feel emotions at their best.  And since Cancer is a feminine sign, most of this process is invisible to outsiders.

Thomas D. Gazis

P.S. This is just an excerpt of the entire article
Copyright: Thomas D. Gazis. Please include a link to this page and acknowledgement of the author if you decide to republish this article.