Saturday, 28 March 2015

The chart of the fatal “Air-Germanwings” pilot!

Pilot Andreas Lubitz (who according to the investigations intentionally crashed - on March 24th - the "Germanwings" plane into the French Alps) is not just a tragic suicidal figure but one of the major serial killers in world history as well (since he deliberately killed 149 innocent passengers and crew of the plane - among them several children )! This man somehow "sowed" an incredible amount of death into very many of his fellow-humans - while he brought hundreds of families on the verge of unfathomable pain and despair!

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The Greek Declaration of Independence (and the true national horoscope of modern Greece!)

"If you can keep your head when all about you 
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, 
 If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, 
But make allowance for their doubting too; 
 If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, 
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, 
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, 
And - which is more -you’ll be a Man, my son!"

This Rudyard Kipling's "If" poem was one of my favorites during my early adolescence. I couldn't entirely understand the melodramatic tone of the poem back then. I was just sensing that life - and the poet's talent - had distilled some omnipotent truth in this particular poem, so something was telling me to keep it in me as some precious resource. That proved to be a wise move because as the years were passing by I was ever more encountering situations were I had to make a stand against many individuals supporting a totally different point of view. I was thus resorting often to this poem, as I was struggling to maintain my inner balance. Because difficult as it might be to stand all alone against many it is (when creative) one of the holier tasks a human being can undertake...

Friday, 20 March 2015

The mysterious March 20th, 2015 “twin” Solar Eclipse

There is a particular factor that makes the March 20th, 2015 Solar Eclipse special: it falls right on the very last degree of the zodiac (on the last degree of Pisces – which is of course the last degree of the zodiac too). So this is a somehow “threshold” eclipse, ushering us into a state of “limbo”. It is a rather “dissolving” eclipse, whose basic task is to irrevocably close a cycle of things – but it is apparently encountering a lot of resistance in doing so. Some highly unstable and unpredictable conditions are likely to occur now and lead us into a state of a “dead-end path”, recycling things and ever returning us to the same point – producing thus global confusion, fatigue and unrest…

Sunday, 15 March 2015

The astrological implications of lifting planet Pluto’s veil!

A monumental astronomical/ astrological event is going to occur in just a few months time! An event oddly coinciding with the Pluto’s “taking over” of the “World Zenith” (you may read about it here) and with the end of the Uranus - Pluto “seven fold” cosmic dance. I am talking about the first encounter ever of planet Pluto with a human artifact: the “New Horizons” space probe which was launched back in 2006 – destined to Pluto and beyond!

By now “New Horizons” is so close to Pluto that we are about to resolve this mysterious planet’s surface features - through the probe’s telescope! You see, living up to its namesake god’s reputation, Pluto has kept  its face strictly hidden from us till now (even with our strongest telescope we could just get a blurred image of it - of just a few pixels)! But all this is going to change and for the first time ever we are going to disclose the “awful face” of the god of the underworld!