Sunday 15 May 2011

The astrological saga behind Strauss-Kahn's (IMF's head) alleged assault to a hotel maid!

(An alternate title for this article could be: "How astrology "dictated" the self-undoing of an Ultra-Powerful man")

The first two signs of the zodiac - Aries and Taurus - are considered the most "bestial" of all, in the sense that they have extremely strong urges and drives and a very acute individualism. Don't get me wrong here, you might be an Aries or Taurus and not feel at all a "beast", as you might have other mitigating or even "sublimating" factors in your chart. Which apparently Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the illustrious head of the "International Monetary Fund", seems to lack! On Saturday 14 May 2011 he was arrested at JFK airport for allegedely assaulting sexually a hotel maid in New York! And this is not the only sexual assault allegation pending on Dominique Srauss-Kahn!

Let's take a look at Dominique's natal chart. He is a Taurus (his Sun is in the sign of Taurus) with a strong Aries emphasis (both his Moon and Mars are in the sign of Aries).

Although his Taurus Sun and his Leo Ascendant grant him the look of a cool person - in control of the situations - in reality he is very impulsive inside him (Moon and Mars in Aries). He is conditioned by an acute Ego and by his very strong, raw and uncontrollable urges (Pluto in his natal First House makes things even worse, giving him a very impulsive and aggressive sexuality). Plus, we shouldn't forget that the axis Taurus - Scorpio is the axis of sexuality in astrology, so definititly we have here a person who - in spite of his 62 years - has an insatiable appetite and unstoppable sexual drives!

But why such a prominent man reached to the point of allegedly assaulting a hotel maid in order to have sex? He has enough money and connections to invite in his hotel room the most expensive call girl - or girls - of New York and have endless sex with her/them! Why did this - genious otherwise - man resort to such a superficial and stupid action? Well, his natal chart and the Transits and Progressions over it can reveal us the "inside story"...

The alleged sexual assault to the maid occured when Jupiter was transiting on his natal Mars in Aries (and in his Ninth House - meaning "When abroad I am going to do whatever I want, cause I will have no consequences). Transiting Jupiter on his Mars bestows a sexual over-drive to an alreary over-sexed man.

Even more impressive is the fact of the transiting Uranus in a perfect (partile) conjunction to his Moon! Uranus is the planet of unconventionality, the "great liberator", the god Dionysus type of "Inebriator"! No doubt then that during this assault Dominique was in a kind of "trance", of "inebriation", feeling that his sexual drives should be very naturally accomodated by this hotel maid, as if the two were participating in a Dionysian orgy! On the other hand, transiting Pluto in a square aspect to his Moon has been scratching in the last 3-4 years "old wounds" in Dominique's soul, breeding in him a very murky, dark and revengeful disposition towards women!

Finally, what I consider the key theme to the whole story: in the last few years Strauss-Kahn's 12th House has ever more been activated by his progressed planets (with both his progressed Sun and Moon forming at the present - utterly humiliating to him - period an almost perfect square to his natal Moon - meaning among other things hardships through women-figures and a negative disposition of the people towards him). And as if this was not enough, his progressed Sun and Moon receive harsh aspects by transiting Pluto, Uranus and Saturn (the "trio" which is the culprit of the infamous Cardinal Climax delineation).

This "12th House - Outer planets harsh aspects" combined configuration is a "once in a lifetime thing", an extremely difficult and mega-"dissolving" configuration which Strauss-Kahn has never experienced before! And traditionally the 12th House is the House of "self-undoing", of "fall" and "disgrace". Impossible as it might seem, this omnipotent, extra-powerful person has been repeatedly confronted in the last few years by the subtle, invisible, psychological powers of the 12th House, by his own demons that is and apparently has been defeated by them, resorting - unconsciounsly - to the classic 12th House behavior of "self-undoing", of dissolving and demolishing (by himself - with no complete awareness of the fact) his "omnipotent" and acutely individualistic figure! If the "IMF's head" has indeed acted this way (even on an unconscious level), then there is hope for humanity...

Thomas Gazis

Monday 4 April 2011

Neptune in Pisces - Our World turns Fabulous!

A new kind of cosmic energy has been released upon us just a few hours ago, as planet Neptune moved into Pisces! This is a momentous event because the sign of Pisces is the natural "domicile" of Neptune, meaning that in this sign Neptune finds a very fertile "soil", it feels totally unhindered and stimulated and expresses its full potential!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

The "Polarization Effect" in Psychological Astrology

The "Polarization Effect" is a particular pattern in the chart that although is crucial it goes largely unnoticed by the astrologers. I have been studying this pattern for many years, in my consultations and Psychological Astrology courses. Actually, I had published this article 3 years ago but lately some new evidence came to my hands so I think it worths re-publishing it.

Monday 28 February 2011

The people dethroning their dictators: Jupiter - Uranus square Pluto

(photo from Canada com)

We have been witnessing recently some unique historical events! In a domino effect, one after the other the people of Northern Africa and Middle East are massively revolting against the oppressive regimes that were ruling their countries for entire decades, reaching to the point of even dethroning their ex omnipotent dictators!

Monday 31 January 2011

Pluto in Capricorn

(Photo: AFP)

(Thomas Gazis note: back in 2008, a couple of days before Pluto moved to Capricorn, I published this article in Greek - and then I somehow forgot it. Then, recently I noticed that many of the things predicted in the article had already happened in real life - as the years were passing by! Here is the article translated in English...)

An extremely important astrological event will occur on 26 January 2008 (at exactly 4:37:13 am, GMT). Planet Pluto will change its zodiacal position, leaving behind the sign of Sagittarius and entering Capricorn (where it will stay for about 17 years, till 2024)! This change is extremely important for the following reasons:

Tuesday 25 January 2011

First historical evidence on Alexander's the Great Horoscope!

Alexander the Great is probably the biggest "Superstar" that ever existed on planet Earth! It is a non mythical - but flesh and blood - figure that has been fascinating millions of people all over the world for entire millennia! Still, to the disappointment of the astrologers, never a horoscope of this brilliant personality has ever been found. And we are very sure that astrologers DID erect Alexander's chart (or at least studied the positions of his birth planets) because Alexander lived his whole (actually short) adult life in Mesopotamia, in the very cradle of astrology!

Friday 14 January 2011

Is Ophiuchus the 13th zodiacal sign?

Every now and then is resurfacing in the media the issue of Ophiucus - the so called 13th zodiacal sign. In reality Ophiuchus is a CONSTELLATION and not a zodiacal sign! There is a fundamental difference between the two! And ultimately this is the whole gist of the matter...

A brief but lucid explanation of the difference between a constellation and a "sign" is given by the American astronomer - and professor at the University of Illinois - James B. Kaler, who in his book "Astronomy" (Harper Collins College Publishers) he states: